Wi-Fi Trades Poonie's Egg Move Shop


Aspiring Breeder
poonie's Egg Move Shop/Giveaway!
Featuring Pokemon from all Gens!

Welcome! Feel free to post a request anytime as this giveaway is always available for your possible needs/wants! I'll be expanding on this over time with hopefully lots of egg move Pokémon! So be sure to keep checking back!

Be sure to read the posting format before you post to prevent casualties in the future:​

Name: (State the name of the Pokémon and if you would like it nicked named please let me know.)

Gender: (Let me know if you would like a certain gender for your chosen Pokémon and if not please leave it out.)

Pokerus: (Please inform me if you want your Pokémon "Infected" or "Clean." Note that if you do not mention anything about it they will automatically be clean.)

IMPORTANT: If the Pokemon is listed to have their HA (Hidden Ability) available, be sure to request you would like the Pokemon with it, or it may not be included in your request! Pokemon that are listed to be In different balls will permanent to your request, so no worries about asking for that!

Please be sure to have your Friend Code handy in view for a more swift trade!

Items To Donate
(Your Pokémon are free regardless, but here's some items I wouldn't mind getting in return for your request)

Heart Scales
Rare Candies
PP-up, PP max
Stones (Any)
Lucky Eggs
Choice Items (Any)
Power Items (Any)
Orbs (Any)
Competitive Battling Items

Egg Move List​

-6th Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Chespin = Spikes, Curse, Belly Drum, Synthesis

Fennekin = Wish, Heat Wave, Hypnosis, Magic Coat (HA Available!)

Froakie = Toxic Spikes (HA Available!)

Bunnelby = Defense Curl, Spikes

Fletchling = Quick Guard (HA Available!)

Scatterbug = Stun Spore, Rage Powder, Poison Powder

Litleo = Yawn, Fire Spin

Flabébé = Copycat

Skiddo = Milk Drink

Pancham = Storm Throw, Foul Play, Me First (HA Available!)

Furfrou = Refresh, Mimic

Espurr = Yawn, Trick, Assist, Barrier

Honedge = Destiny Bond

Spritzee = Wish

Swirlix = Belly Drum, Yawn, Copycat, After You

Inkay = Power Split

Binacle = Switcheroo

Skrelp = Toxic Spikes, Acid Armor

Clauncher = Crabhammer

Helioptile = Glare

Tyrunt = Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang (Set 1)

Tyrunt = Poison Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang (Set 2)

Amaura = Discharge, Barrier, Haze, Mirror Coat

Hawlucha = Me First, Quick Guard

Dedenne = Eerie Impulse

Goomy = Acid Armor, Counter, Iron Tail, Curse (HA Available!)

Klefki = Switcheroo

Phantump = Grudge (Set 1)

Phantump = Venom Drench (Set 2)

Pumpkaboo = Destiny Bond, Disable (HA Available!)

Bergmite = Recover

Noibat = Switcheroo

-5th Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Audino = Heal Bell, Bestow, Wish, Encore (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Timburr = Drain Punch, Mach Punch

Venipede = Spikes (HA Available!)

Cottonee = Switcheroo, Encore

Scraggy = Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch

Karrablast = Pursuit, Megahorn, Knock Off, Drill Run (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Joltik = Pursuit, Disable, Pin Missile, Camouflage (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Ferroseed = Worry Seed, Leech Seed, Spikes, Stealth Rock

Vullaby = Knock Off

Deino = Earth Power, Dark Pulse

-4th Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Chimchar = Thunder Punch, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Energy

Budew = Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder

Cherubi = Grass Whistle, Heal Pulse, Weather Ball (Love Ball & HA Available!)

Shellos (Blue) = Acid Armor

Driftloon = Haze, Disable, Destiny Bond, Defog (Ultra Ball & HA Available!)

Buneary = Switcheroo, Encore (Dream Ball)

Gible = Outrage

Munchlax = Curse, Whirlwind, Self-Destruct, Pursuit

Riolu = Bullet Punch

Shieldon = Stealth Rock

Croagunk = Drain Punch (Set 1)

Croagunk = Cross Chop (Set 2)

-3rd Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Treecko = Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Grassy Terrain

Mudkip = Yawn, Wide Guard, Curse, Avalanche (HA Available!)

Poochyena = Yawn, Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Play Rough (Great Ball & HA Available!)

Shroomish = Bullet Seed (Set 1)

Shroomish = Seed Bomb (Set 2)

Mawile = Ice Fang, Sucker Punch

Plusle = Sweet Kiss (Fast Ball)

Roselia = Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder

Carvanha = Hydro Pump, Thrash, Destiny Bond, Double-Edge (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Numel = Heat Wave, Yawn, Body Slam, Iron Head (Friend Ball)

Cacnea= Nasty Plot, Disable, Switcheroo (HA Available!)

Swablu = Steel Wing, Haze, Hyper Voice, Roost (Love Ball)

Corphish = Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Switcheroo

Duskull = Pain Split

Absol = Megahorn, Baton Pass, Zen Headbutt, Play Rough

Snorunt = Spikes, Switcheroo

Bagon = Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

-2nd Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Cyndaquil = Quick Attack, Flame Burst, Flare Blitz, Extrasensory

Pichu = Fake Out, Wish, Disarming Voice, Encore (HA Available!)

Cleffa = Wish, Misty Terrain, Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy (HA Available!)

Togepi = Nasty Plot

Marill = Belly Drum, Aqua Jet (Dive Ball)

Murkrow = Drill Peck

Shuckle = Knock Off

Swinub = Ancient Power, Stealth Rock, Icicle Spear, Freeze-Dry

Skarmory = Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Stealth Rock, Curse

Houndour = Sucker Punch, Destiny Bond, Counter

Phanpy = Ice Shard

Elekid = Cross Chop, Ice Punch

Milktank = Seismic Toss, Hammer Arm, Helping Hand, Double-Edge

Larvitar = Dragon Dance

-1st Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Bulbasaur = Giga Drain, Curse, Leaf Storm, Power Whip (HA Available!)

Charmander = Counter, Dragon Dance, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse (HA Available!) (Set 1)

Charmander = Crunch, Flare Blitz, Outrage, Dragon Dance (HA Available!) (Set 2)

Squirtle = Fake Out, Aqua Jet, Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere (HA Available!)

Pidgey = Feint Attack, Pursuit, Defog, Brave Bird (HA Available!)

Ratata = Counter, Revenge, Flame Wheel, Reversal (HA Available!)

Spearow = Scary Face, Feather Dance, Whirlwind, Quick Attack (HA Available!)

Ekans = Disable, Switcheroo, Iron Tail, Sucker Punch (HA Available!)

Sandshrew = Rock Climb, Chip Away, Counter, Night Slash (HA Available!)

Nidoran-F = Counter, Iron Tail, Pursuit, Disable (HA Available!)

Nidoran-M = Counter Iron Tail, Sucker Punch, Head Smash (HA Available!)

Vulpix = Hypnosis, Feint Attack, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Disable (HA Available!)

Jigglypuff = Heal Pulse, Misty Terrain, Perish Song, Wish (HA Available!)

Zubat = Hypnosis, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot, Giga Drain (Premier Ball & HA Available!) (Set 1)

Zubat = Hypnosis, Brave Bird, Defog, Whirlwind (Dream Ball & HA Available!) (Set 2)

Oddish = Ingrain, Secret Power, Teeter Dance, Synthesis (HA Available!)

Growlithe = Close Combat, Iron Tail, Morning Sun, Covet

Machop = Bullet Punch

Tentacool = Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Haze

Grimer = Curse, Shadow Sneak

Shellder = Icicle Spear, Rock Blast

Gastly = Disable, Perish Song

Koffing = Pain Split

Tangela = Leech Seed, Giga Drain

Kangaskhan = Hammer Arm

Pinsir = Superpower, Quick Attack

Lapras = Whirlpool, Curse, Avalanche, Dragon Dance (HA Available!)

Eevee = Wish, Yawn

Omanyte = Spikes, Toxic Spikes

Aerodactyl = Whirlwind, Pursuit, Wide Guard, Tailwind (HA Available!)

Snorelax = Curse, Whirlwind, Self-Destruct, Pursuit

Dratini = Extreme Speed, Aqua Jet, Dragon Rush, Extreme Speed, Iron Tail (HA Available!)

Enjoy your Pokémon! Come back soon!
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
I love the set up for this and am looking forward to more for the thread! :D

also I would love a few of these list as followed.

Bagon HA
Squirtle HA <-does not matter really but perferred

I offer some donation items and a shiny Druddigon also I do like the idea of making them out for free, but if you put up your wants then you could add on to that and get things you need. Win Win ! :D
Check said:
I love the set up for this and am looking forward to more for the thread! :D

also I would love a few of these list as followed.

Bagon HA
Squirtle HA <-does not matter really but perferred

I offer some donation items and a shiny Druddigon also I do like the idea of making them out for free, but if you put up your wants then you could add on to that and get things you need. Win Win ! :D

Why thank you i'm glad you enjoy it, it's planned to continue growing just about everyday. I will message you when you're request is all set.

I really dont have much i look for, haha. Beyond other ha females or some heart scales, I'm just here to help. Thank you though, i'd appreciate anything you decided to trade me. :)
Im really interested in your

~ Charmander Set 1
~ Bulbasaur
~ Squirtle

I have a ton of shiny competitives and Items I can offer but I havent had the chance to update my thread :(
I can possibly clone you a 6Iv Ditto if this would be of interest.

I'm interested in a Hidden Ability Venipede. If possible, I would like a male one with the nickname Magnus. I have a couple of shinies and some items for trade as well.
Kron said:
Im really interested in your

~ Charmander Set 1
~ Bulbasaur
~ Squirtle

I have a ton of shiny competitives and Items I can offer but I havent had the chance to update my thread :(

No worries, trade whatever you like.

Check said:
I can possibly clone you a 6Iv Ditto if this would be of interest.

that sounds nice, if you're ok with it then sure!

SnorlaxDude said:

I'm interested in a Hidden Ability Venipede. If possible, I would like a male one with the nickname Magnus. I have a couple of shinies and some items for trade as well.

Anything you'd like to trade me, it's entirely up to you.

Thanks for postin everyone. Glad everyone likes it.
Everyone's Pokemon are all set and ready to trade. feel free to shoot me a message or pm, whichever.
hi poonie!!
just checked your shop.
i want these 3 pokemon

Charmander = (Set 1) solar power,any gender,pokerus,no nickname
Charmander = (Set 2) solar power,any gender,pokerus,no nickname
Bagon = sheer force ,female,dream ball,pokerus,no nickname

i can offer you heart scales if you like
i also have all ha available pokemon and some of them are in dream balls ,if you are interested

forgot to mention:i believe we have a 7 hour time difference ,so if we trade we may need to figure out a convenient time for both of us

thanks very much for the trade!!!
stevenk said:
hi poonie!!
just checked your shop.
i want these 3 pokemon

Charmander = (Set 1) solar power,any gender,pokerus,no nickname
Charmander = (Set 2) solar power,any gender,pokerus,no nickname
Bagon = sheer force ,female,dream ball,pokerus,no nickname

i can offer you heart scales if you like
i also have all ha available pokemon and some of them are in dream balls ,if you are interested

forgot to mention:i believe we have a 7 hour time difference ,so if we trade we may need to figure out a convenient time for both of us

I've sent you a PM, we'll catch eachother no worries.

Anyone else that would like anything please feel free to post!
hi poonie!!

can i get these 3 pok?

Pancham ,male,with pokerus,no nickname

Bulbasaur , female,with pokerus,chrorophyl,no nickname

Audino ,female,with pokerus,klutz,dream ball,no nickname
poonie said:
poonie's Egg Move Shop/Giveaway!
Featuring Pokemon from all Gens!

Welcome! Feel free to post a request anytime as this giveaway is always available for your possible needs/wants! I'll be expanding on this over time with hopefully lots of egg move Pokémon! So be sure to keep checking back!

Be sure to read the posting format before you post to prevent casualties in the future:​

Name: (State the name of the Pokémon and if you would like it nicked named please let me know.)

Gender: (Let me know if you would like a certain gender for your chosen Pokémon and if not please leave it out.)

Pokerus: (Please inform me if you want your Pokémon "Infected" or "Clean." Note that if you do not mention anything about it they will automatically be clean.)

IMPORTANT: If the Pokemon is listed to have their HA (Hidden Ability) available, be sure to request you would like the Pokemon with it, or it may not be included in your request! Pokemon that are listed to be In different balls will permanent to your request, so no worries about asking for that!

Please be sure to have your Friend Code handy in view for a more swift trade!

Items To Donate
(Your Pokémon are free regardless, but here's some items I wouldn't mind getting in return for your request)

Heart Scales
Rare Candies
PP-up, PP max
Stones (Any)
Lucky Eggs
Choice Items (Any)
Power Items (Any)
Orbs (Any)
Competitive Battling Items

Egg Move List​

-6th Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Chespin = Spikes, Curse, Belly Drum, Synthesis

Fennekin = Wish, Heat Wave, Hypnosis, Magic Coat (HA Available!)

Froakie = Toxic Spikes (HA Available!)

Bunnelby = Defense Curl, Spikes

Fletchling = Quick Guard (HA Available!)

Scatterbug = Stun Spore, Rage Powder, Poison Powder

Litleo = Yawn, Fire Spin

Flabébé = Copycat

Skiddo = Milk Drink

Pancham = Storm Throw, Foul Play

Furfrou = Refresh, Mimic

Espurr = Yawn, Trick, Assist, Barrier

Honedge = Destiny Bond

Spritzee = Wish

Swirlix = Belly Drum, Yawn, Copycat, After You

Inkay = Power Split

Binacle = Switcheroo

Skrelp = Toxic Spikes, Acid Armor

Clauncher = Crabhammer

Helioptile = Glare

Tyrunt = Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang (Set 1)

Tyrunt = Poison Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang (Set 2)

Amaura = Discharge

Hawlucha = Me First, Quick Guard

Dedenne = Eerie Impulse

Goomy = Acid Armor (HA Available!)

Klefki = Switcheroo

Phantump = Grudge (Set 1)

Phantump = Venom Drench (Set 2)

Pumpkaboo = Destiny Bond, Disable (HA Available!)

Bergmite = Recover

Noibat = Switcheroo

-5th Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Audino = Heal Bell, Bestow, Wish, Encore (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Timburr = Drain Punch, Mach Punch

Venipede = Spikes (HA Available!)

Cottonee = Switcheroo, Encore

Scraggy = Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch

Karrablast = Pursuit, Megahorn, Knock Off, Drill Run (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Joltik = Pursuit, Disable, Pin Missile, Camouflage (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Vullaby = Knock Off

Deino = Earth Power, Dark Pulse

-4th Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Chimchar = Thunder Punch, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Energy

Budew = Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder

Shieldon = Stealth Rock

Shellos = Acid Armor

Driftloon = Haze, Disable, Destiny Bond, Defog (Ultra Ball & HA Available!)

Buneary = Switcheroo, Encore (Dream Ball)

Gible = Outrage

Munchlax = Curse

Riolu = Bullet Punch

Shieldon = Stealth Rock

Croagunk = Drain Punch (Set 1)

Croagunk = Cross Chop (Set 2)

-3rd Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Treecko = Leaf Storm (HA Available!)

Poochyena = Yawn, Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Play Rough (Great Ball & HA Available!)

Shroomish = Bullet Seed (Set 1)

Shroomish = Seed Bomb (Set 2)

Mawile = Ice Fang, Sucker Punch

Plusle = Sweet Kiss (Fast Ball)

Roselia = Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder

Carvanha = Hydro Pump, Thrash, Destiny Bond, Double-Edge (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

Numel = Heat Wave, Yawn, Body Slam, Iron Head (Friend Ball)

Cacnea= Nasty Plot, Disable, Switcheroo (HA Available!)

Swablu = Steel Wing, Haze, Hyper Voice, Roost (Love Ball)

Duskull = Pain Split

Absol = Megahorn, Baton Pass, Zen Headbutt, Play Rough

Snorunt = Spikes, Switcheroo

Bagon = Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance (Dream Ball & HA Available!)

-2nd Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Cyndaquil = Quick Attack, Flame Burst, Flare Blitz, Extrasensory

Pichu = Fake Out, Wish, Disarming Voice, Encore (HA Available!)

Cleffa = Wish, Misty Terrain, Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy (HA Available!)

Togepi = Nasty Plot

Marill = Belly Drum, Aqua Jet (Dive Ball)

Murkrow = Drill Peck

Shuckle = Knock Off

Swinub = Ancient Power, Stealth Rock, Icicle Spear, Freeze-Dry

Skarmory = Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Stealth Rock

Houndour = Sucker Punch, Destiny Bond, Counter

Phanpy = Ice Shard

Elekid = Cross Chop, Ice Punch

Milktank = Seismic Toss

Larvitar = Dragon Dance

-1st Gen Egg Move Pokémon-​

Bulbasaur = Giga Drain, Curse, Leaf Storm, Power Whip (HA Available!)

Charmander = Counter, Dragon Dance, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse (HA Available!) (Set 1)

Charmander = Crunch, Flare Blitz, Outrage, Dragon Dance (HA Available!) (Set 2)

Squirtle = Fake Out, Aqua Jet, Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere (HA Available!)

Pidgey = Feint Attack, Pursuit, Defog, Brave Bird (HA Available!)

Ratata = Counter, Revenge, Flame Wheel, Reversal (HA Available!)

Spearow = Scary Face, Feather Dance, Whirlwind, Quick Attack (HA Available!)

Ekans = Disable, Switcheroo, Iron Tail, Sucker Punch (HA Available!)

Sandshrew = Rock Climb, Chip Away, Counter, Night Slash (HA Available!)

Nidoran-F = Counter, Iron Tail, Pursuit, Disable (HA Available!)

Nidoran-M = Counter Iron Tail, Sucker Punch, Head Smash (HA Available!)

Vulpix = Hypnosis, Feint Attack, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave (HA Available!)

Zubat = Hypnosis, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot, Giga Drain (Premier Ball & HA Available!)

Growlithe = Close Combat, Iron Tail, Morning Sun, Covet

Machop = Bullet Punch

Tentacool = Rapid Spin

Grimer = Curse, Shadow Sneak

Shellder = Icicle Spear, Rock Blast

Gastly = Disable, Perish Song

Koffing = Pain Split

Tangela = Leech Seed, Giga Drain

Kangaskhan = Hammer Arm

Pinsir = Superpower, Quick Attack

Lapras = Whirlpool, Curse, Avalanche, Dragon Dance (HA Available!)

Eevee = Wish, Yawn

Omanyte = Spikes, Toxic Spikes

Aerodactyl = Whirlwind

Snorelax = Curse

Dratini = Extreme Speed

Enjoy your Pokémon! Come back soon!
If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Muchos Gracias (cuz I am spanish now)
could i add 2 more on the previous 3 pok?

pidgey ,big pecks,female,with pokerus,no nickname

Carvanha speed boost,female,dream ball,with pokerus,no nickname
Everyones requests are all done! Feel free to message me anytime you are back so we can trade.
thanks very much for the trades!!!

i'm online now if you want to trade the 2 remaining pok