Poor Sports

Mrs. Aforcer

Pokemon Professor as of 08/10/09
I don't know about you guys, but the worst thing about this game I think is when your opponent has a bad attitude -- either towards you, the game, or anything for that matter. I personally can't stand it when they either rub it in your face that they beat you, or throw a temper tantrum and call it a "fluke" if you win.

I love this game whether I win or lose. I know I'm nowhere near being the best, but I'm absolutely fine with that. I play for fun, and I think it's really sad when the drive for competition overtakes the joy of playing the game.

Does anyone else get this kind of treatment from people? Specifically, based on your gender or your deck contents? I spoke to Medaforcer about my concerns, and he said chances are I'm a girl running a girly deck (Glaceon), and people just don't take that seriously. The deck's not poorly made (I can destroy pretty much anything that relies on Powers), but people always seem to chock it up to some sort of glitch or mistake when I win.

It's very depressing and makes playing not very enjoyable. POP official rules probably would not approve, no?
I agree. This has gotten out of hand. I hate poor sports, and if they ever act like that towards me, you can bet I reported them. This game is just for fun, something not everyone can understand. Sure, I prefer to win, but my placement in this game does NOT affect my love for the game. I have never received any kind of the treatment described, however, I have seen it happen. I really hate when it does. Hopefully, PUSA and the judges will crack down on this.

And no, POP does not approve :)
I do have to say that some cards are helping to put people into bad moods. Like Machamp SF for example. People expect to play, have a feeling of satisfaction and having a fair and equal chance in getting their decks set up. And not to have lost because the Machamp player goes second and you have a lone Pokemon in play.
It's really awkward to play against someone like that. I played against a blastoise/delcatty player on saturday and he got 0 energies with his blastoise maybe 2 times in a row, and he slammed his hand down on the table and seemed really upset.

Then he proceeded to argue with me and say that the person going second gets to evolve first. Of course after the argument he randomly throws the words "rare" and "candy" into his sentence, which of course I knew, but still, what a jerk.
PokeChamp said:
I agree. This has gotten out of hand. I hate poor sports, and if they ever act like that towards me, you can bet I reported them.
Ah, you can report them for this?
afstandopleren said:
I do have to say that some cards are helping to put people into bad moods. Like Machamp SF for example. People expect to play, have a feeling of satisfaction and having a fair and equal chance in getting their decks set up. And not to have lost because the Machamp player goes second and you have a lone Pokemon in play.

Machamp's touney life became short lived with Unown G's ruling against it...but Unown G however does make things a bit annoying, or the fact that this new generation of trainer pokemon are now all basics which make it extremely easy to load up benches and smack your opponents pokemon around

the annoying thing about Machamp for real was that players that go 2nd are allowed to play trainers now...perhaps making it so that neither player can attack of their 1st turn would help to resolve quick donks like that
I hate this kind of behavior. At regionals I played against Machamp deck, and I was using Palkia/Dialga. He wins, and idon't attack at all. Then he gets up and starts going like "I won! Yes! I won! And you didn't even attack!"
It's hard to attack when you're KO'd every turn and have to stall with Mesprits. <.<
imacharizard333 said:
I hate this kind of behavior. At regionals I played against Machamp deck, and I was using Palkia/Dialga. He wins, and idon't attack at all. Then he gets up and starts going like "I won! Yes! I won! And you didn't even attack!"
It's hard to attack when you're KO'd every turn and have to stall with Mesprits. <.<

yet another poor sport, I can guarantee that if the same thing happened to him, he would be crying about it
I love getting on the nerves of poor sports... "Okay; congratulations. Now, will you please sit down? You're dancing is really bad..." Yeah... Just act calm, and if they rub it in your face, look at someone else and shake your head... It's fun to watch people make fools of themselves!

Other than that, sure; they're jerks.
LucarioXFroslass said:
I love getting on the nerves of poor sports... "Okay; congratulations. Now, will you please sit down? You're dancing is really bad..." Yeah... Just act calm, and if they rub it in your face, look at someone else and shake your head... It's fun to watch people make fools of themselves!

Other than that, sure; they're jerks.

yea, luckily around here, you don't really get alot of that, especially in the Masters division
Unfortunately this just seems to be part of our world now, in sports, card games, video games, miniture games, board games everything seems to have poor sports. Now I'll admit I am not the best sport(Let's say i hit myself when I have to flip a coin and I get tails for the 30th time in a row). But I try to be a good sport. Now Glaceon is not a girly deck, I played it with Darkrai and Empo and worked amazingly well, so saying it is just a girl deck is wrong and that means they probably can't think of any other way to insult you(if they wanted to). So try to ignore them or report to a judge(s).
Mrs. Aforcer said:
I don't know about you guys, but the worst thing about this game I think is when your opponent has a bad attitude -- either towards you, the game, or anything for that matter. I personally can't stand it when they either rub it in your face that they beat you, or throw a temper tantrum and call it a "fluke" if you win.

I love this game whether I win or lose. I know I'm nowhere near being the best, but I'm absolutely fine with that. I play for fun, and I think it's really sad when the drive for competition overtakes the joy of playing the game.

Does anyone else get this kind of treatment from people? Specifically, based on your gender or your deck contents? I spoke to Medaforcer about my concerns, and he said chances are I'm a girl running a girly deck (Glaceon), and people just don't take that seriously. The deck's not poorly made (I can destroy pretty much anything that relies on Powers), but people always seem to chock it up to some sort of glitch or mistake when I win.

It's very depressing and makes playing not very enjoyable. POP official rules probably would not approve, no?

IMO, it occurs in immature juniors, and those kinda weird, hobo-ish immature masters. In my league/ohio, all the seniors are good sports. I think that its weird that 11-14 year olds are more mature than some 15-adults.
Juliacoolo said:
IMO, it occurs in immature juniors, and those kinda weird, hobo-ish immature masters. In my league/ohio, all the seniors are good sports. I think that its weird that 11-14 year olds are more mature than some 15-adults.

I dunno. I find some of the worst people floating around the higher end of masters.

Pretty scary dudes sometimes.
Juliacoolo now that you mention I have realized that too. Which personally scares me since well I am now for my immaturity at school. Anyways just think of the example the masters could be setting for juniors-it's okay to be a jerk after losing, it's okay to start just being mean if things don't go your way-things like that. Not a good thing to do especially since most juniors still have a rather impressionable mind(I don't mean to insult just a fact).
Unfortunately this just seems to be part of our world now, in sports, card games, video games, miniture games, board games everything seems to have poor sports. Now I'll admit I am not the best sport(Let's say I hit myself when I have to flip a coin and I get tails for the 30th time in a row). But I try to be a good sport. Now Glaceon is not a girly deck, I played it with Darkrai and Empo and worked amazingly well, so saying it is just a girl deck is wrong and that means they probably can't think of any other way to insult you(if they wanted to). So try to ignore them or report to a judge(s).
Well we all get flustered when, say, we get 8 or 9 tails in a row, but at least you're more angry at your own luck than your opponent. I mean, it's not their fault your coin is betraying you.

And yeah I know it's not a girly deck -- no more girly, at least, than the guy I was playing (who was giving me a lot of attitude about my deck) that I know used to run Gardevoir. C'mon, really.

I think it's more the fact that people patronize me for it that bothers me though. People who outwardly doubt its ability to do decently (no, it's no Regionals-winning deck, but I like it). Comments like "Oh, you actually won," and "Wait, why're you battling me (in a tournament) -- shouldn't you be against someone with a lower win-loss ratio?" are incredibly disheartening.

Also, just out of curiosity -- how do you pull off Darkrai, Empo, and Glaceon? That's a lot of Pokemon...!

You can, actually.
I think I will then, next time.

IMO, it occurs in immature juniors, and those kinda weird, hobo-ish immature masters. In my league/ohio, all the seniors are good sports. I think that its weird that 11-14 year olds are more mature than some 15-adults.
I mostly play people from the Masters division, and they're the worst from what I've experienced. Given, I don't have a lot of friends in Seniors and especially not Juniors, but they tend to be either very laid back, helpful, and nice, or incredibly rude, serious players that can't take a loss.
Overdramatic rule enforcers are way worse than poor sports, in my opinion. (not going to name any names...)
Mrs. Aforcer said:
Unfortunately this just seems to be part of our world now, in sports, card games, video games, miniture games, board games everything seems to have poor sports. Now I'll admit I am not the best sport(Let's say I hit myself when I have to flip a coin and I get tails for the 30th time in a row). But I try to be a good sport. Now Glaceon is not a girly deck, I played it with Darkrai and Empo and worked amazingly well, so saying it is just a girl deck is wrong and that means they probably can't think of any other way to insult you(if they wanted to). So try to ignore them or report to a judge(s).
Well we all get flustered when, say, we get 8 or 9 tails in a row, but at least you're more angry at your own luck than your opponent. I mean, it's not their fault your coin is betraying you.

And yeah I know it's not a girly deck -- no more girly, at least, than the guy I was playing (who was giving me a lot of attitude about my deck) that I know used to run Gardevoir. C'mon, really.

I think it's more the fact that people patronize me for it that bothers me though. People who outwardly doubt its ability to do decently (no, it's no Regionals-winning deck, but I like it). Comments like "Oh, you actually won," and "Wait, why're you battling me (in a tournament) -- shouldn't you be against someone with a lower win-loss ratio?" are incredibly disheartening.

Also, just out of curiosity -- how do you pull off Darkrai, Empo, and Glaceon? That's a lot of Pokemon...!

You can, actually.
I think I will then, next time.

IMO, it occurs in immature juniors, and those kinda weird, hobo-ish immature masters. In my league/ohio, all the seniors are good sports. I think that its weird that 11-14 year olds are more mature than some 15-adults.
I mostly play people from the Masters division, and they're the worst from what I've experienced. Given, I don't have a lot of friends in Seniors and especially not Juniors, but they tend to be either very laid back, helpful, and nice, or incredibly rude, serious players that can't take a loss.

You can't call decks girly or vice versa just because of the pokemon it's based off of. You just play a deck with a pokemon you like and/or think is good.