Ruling Porygon Z Lv. X

RE: Porygon Lv. X

The DP 5 Porygon Z LV X is the same as the one below. They just change the artwork...

Water Pokemon Master said:

Porygon-Z Lv.X - 130 HP [C]

Poke-Power: Crush Mode
You may use this Power when you play this card into play to Level-Up a Pokemon. Discard all special energy cards attached to your opponent's Pokemon.
Poke-Power: Decode
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may choose up to 2 cards from your deck. After shuffling your deck, put the 2 cards on the top of your deck in any order you want. This power stops working when this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

Weakness: (Fighting) x2
Retreat Cost: [C][C]
Niice. Thanks man! When will that be releasing? Majestic Dawn features Garchomp Lv. X, Glaceon and Leafeon Lv. X right? What's the order?