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Porygon Z(Master, Cities)


Future beast of the Pokémon TCG
1-1 DGX
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
2-2 Dodrio(1SV, 1TM)

19 Pokemon

3x Rare Candy
4x Poke Drawer+
4x TM TS-1
4x TM TS-2
2x BTS
1x Luxury Ball
2x Pokémon Comm
3x Bebe's Search
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Junk Arm
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Expert Belt
2x Seeker

33 T/S/S

4x DCE (Quick setup)
2x Cyclone (help get cheap KOs)
2x Special Metal (For DGX)

8 Energy

Typical Porygon deck. Quick setup and power up to KO whatever your opponent puts in front of you.
RE: Porygon Z

You're going to need the Division and the Event you plan on playing this for in the Title. Thanks.

dmaster out.
RE: Porygon Z

definitely max out both tms, since they're your source of power. I dont think you need the warp since promogon can set it up on the bench and vileplume is the only matchup you need it in.

EDIT: I also think that the TR porygon should be another promo just for consistency's sake.