Porygon Z


Future beast of the Pokémon TCG
I've been playing it lately and I'd say that it has a good chance against the meta as it is now. What does everyone else think?

I've tested it against DialgaChomp, Gyrados, and ESL deck. I win most of my matches.

I run DGX as a VileGar counter since I can level it up on bench.

You load him up with TMs to get constant KOs on your opponents active and switch the TMs around with Install when its about to be KO'd. Learning is to get uxie x and DGX onto the bench when necessary.

You use his power to disrupt deck that relies on special energy. Using Mode crash at the right time can make it very difficult for DialgaChomp to come back(unless they deafen lock you all game ^^; ) Use Decode plus Uxie X and Noctowl from HGSS to get 2 cards outta your deck each turn.


Back up attacker if needed. His Poke power is used to get TMs and other trainers back to re-use them. Helps late game.

Junk Arm also helps getting the TMs back after they are discarded.


Using mapping helps with setup by letting me get BTS out ASAP.

My decklist(it still needs work)

1-1 DGX
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
2-2 Dodrio(1SV, 1TM)

19 Pokemon

3x Rare Candy
4x Poke Drawer+
4x TM TS-1
4x TM TS-2
2x BTS
1x Luxury Ball
2x Pokémon Comm
3x Bebe's Search
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Junk Arm
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Expert Belt
2x Seeker

33 T/S/S

4x DCE (Quick setup)
2x Cyclone (help get cheap KOs)
2x Special Metal (For DGX)

8 Energy
yes, please post the decklist. I've been really interested in this deck but the cards are tough to find.
I wouldnt run Noctowl...if anything, Dodrio is better. I also really want Call Energy in this. You can do T1 Call - T2 Candy PoryZ Dialga G X. You might be able to dig up an old article of my hand on PoryZ. True it was in the DP-PT format, but it still contains useful info.
Oh and whatever you do, MAX OUT THE TM'S.
And do yourself a favor, if your meta is heavy on Machamp and Donphan, avoid this thing like the plague.
Hehe, I wrote an article on this deck but haven't posted it yet...

Anyways, you've got the wrong drawpower. You need to use Magnezone Prime. It works MUCH better. And, you run a strange list that doesn't take full advantage of the deck. (My article coming soon, just need to fix a few kinks...) First off, you need 4 of each Technical Machine, not three of the second. 220 FOR THE MAX!!! And, I'm still considering putting in the TR Porygon-Z. It's helpful, but, if you know how to play the deck right (by using Install to only keep enough Technical Machines on the active Porygon-Z so that you can get the K.O.) then you shouldn't need it. Yet, I still see it as a valuable addition. So, my changes are:

-1-1 Noctowl(HGSS)
-1 Uxie Lv.X
-1x Pokémon Comm
-1 Twins
-2 Junk Arm

+2-1-2 Magnezone Prime
+1 Porygon
+1 Technical Machine TS-2

And find some room for x2 Call Energy. It helps so much.
I've been using this deck for a while now. And its pretty great but you have to be willing to put up with its weaknesses.
Also, Porgon-z triumphant is in no way necessary, and IMO just takes away from necessary consistency. keep a bare minimum of TM's on your porygon, and if you think its going to be knocked out, install them to a new one. And noctowl isn't really necessary for the decode/trade-off combo.
Heres the list I've been using (pretty similar):
4-2-3-1 Porygon-z X (Newpromo-newpromo-DP35-MD) (one of the new porygon2s sitting around makes for a lower retreat, hopefully we get it soon)
2-1 DGX (I like getting porygon/dialga starts)
2-1 Uxie X
1 Azelf
1 Chatot MD (spiritomb starts can kill this deck)
3 Pokémon Communication
2 Bebe's Search
1 Luxury ball
3 Pokémon Collector
3 Expert Belt (Necessity for not getting OHKO'd by Donphan)
4 Poké Drawer +
3 Rare Candy
2 Junk Arm
4 TM TS-1
4 TM TS-2
1 {M}
1 Rescue

P.S. DGX is not a vilegar counter because gengar X has level-down, but it is a good thing to have in there.
P.P.S. Why is everyone so interested in this deck all of the sudden? I totally thought I was being original when I built this a couple months ago.
POST-POST-POST-SCRIPT: I noticed you've only playtested it against decks you have somewhat of an advantage over. Gyarados pretty much gets an autoloss to us.
@ Muddy & Lou: I'm not sure why I should run dodrio instead? It can be sniped by Garachomp without a crobat drop and they both do the same thing.

I lack call energy right now so, I can't put any in. I'm gonna keep those to spots filled with special metals for DGX as a back-up attacker VS any fighting pokemon besides machamp I may run into. I'll change it if I can come across any Calls.

@ Dec: I think magnezone prime would slow this deck down and my hand is always 6 or more so, I think I'm gonna stick with my uxies and Noctowl. Maybe I'll change my mind when I see your article.

@ LORDY: I like the Chatot MD idea, but I'm unsure about the SSU and 3rd Expert belt. The more I play the more useless the TR Porygon Z becomes so, I believe I'll be removing it for another Promogon. Haha and about its increase in popularity, I've been wanting to play it since I saw it a few months ago, but couldn't get the cards till now.
Hmmm.. can't argue with that logic. So:

-1-1 Noctowl
-1 Twins
-1 Warp energy

+2-2 Dodrio(1 from SV 1 TM)

I think with Poke Drawer+, Uxie, and 1 SV dodrio I'll have enough draw power. Plus I kinda like the free retreat into Seeker idea so, I can heal and re-use mode crash or decode if necessary.
The advantage of having 2 Dodrio SV out means you can Decode any 2 cards you want and then proceed to draw those 2 cards immediately. You can always Decode yourself a Warp Point if you really want your PoryZ back to the bench, no?
Then why not use Noctowl? If I put warp points in then that's be more spaces I'd have to make and I'm already pretty tight on space. Maybe remove a metal for Dialga G and a cyclone...seems like to much work when I can just have free retreat which also helps retreating Uxie, Azelf, Dialga, Porygons, and Dodrio's. I'm testing both ways though. I'm thinking about having 2 SV Dodrio's and 1 TM and just seekering one up and evolving it into the TM Dodrio when I need free retreat, but I'll leave testing to decide which way is better.
You don't need free retreat. Thats like putting in a 1-1-1 line of Exploud SV just to remove weakness. Its unnecessary. And how is Dodrio supposed to provide free retreat when you have a Dialga G Lv.X active?