I've been playing it lately and I'd say that it has a good chance against the meta as it is now. What does everyone else think?
I've tested it against DialgaChomp, Gyrados, and ESL deck. I win most of my matches.
I run DGX as a VileGar counter since I can level it up on bench.
You load him up with TMs to get constant KOs on your opponents active and switch the TMs around with Install when its about to be KO'd. Learning is to get uxie x and DGX onto the bench when necessary.
You use his power to disrupt deck that relies on special energy. Using Mode crash at the right time can make it very difficult for DialgaChomp to come back(unless they deafen lock you all game ^^; ) Use Decode plus Uxie X and Noctowl from HGSS to get 2 cards outta your deck each turn.
Back up attacker if needed. His Poke power is used to get TMs and other trainers back to re-use them. Helps late game.
Junk Arm also helps getting the TMs back after they are discarded.
Using mapping helps with setup by letting me get BTS out ASAP.
My decklist(it still needs work)
1-1 DGX
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
2-2 Dodrio(1SV, 1TM)
19 Pokemon
3x Rare Candy
4x Poke Drawer+
4x TM TS-1
4x TM TS-2
2x BTS
1x Luxury Ball
2x Pokémon Comm
3x Bebe's Search
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Junk Arm
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Expert Belt
2x Seeker
33 T/S/S
4x DCE (Quick setup)
2x Cyclone (help get cheap KOs)
2x Special Metal (For DGX)
8 Energy
I've tested it against DialgaChomp, Gyrados, and ESL deck. I win most of my matches.
I run DGX as a VileGar counter since I can level it up on bench.
You load him up with TMs to get constant KOs on your opponents active and switch the TMs around with Install when its about to be KO'd. Learning is to get uxie x and DGX onto the bench when necessary.
You use his power to disrupt deck that relies on special energy. Using Mode crash at the right time can make it very difficult for DialgaChomp to come back(unless they deafen lock you all game ^^; ) Use Decode plus Uxie X and Noctowl from HGSS to get 2 cards outta your deck each turn.

Back up attacker if needed. His Poke power is used to get TMs and other trainers back to re-use them. Helps late game.
Junk Arm also helps getting the TMs back after they are discarded.

Using mapping helps with setup by letting me get BTS out ASAP.
My decklist(it still needs work)
1-1 DGX
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
2-2 Dodrio(1SV, 1TM)
19 Pokemon
3x Rare Candy
4x Poke Drawer+
4x TM TS-1
4x TM TS-2
2x BTS
1x Luxury Ball
2x Pokémon Comm
3x Bebe's Search
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Junk Arm
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Expert Belt
2x Seeker
33 T/S/S
4x DCE (Quick setup)
2x Cyclone (help get cheap KOs)
2x Special Metal (For DGX)
8 Energy