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Possible deck for BR (master) Palkiachomp

Aburame Yuki

Nothing to say...
Main attackers are palkia g and garchomp c, sniping for 80 every turn or using Pearl breath to spread. And then i'll run mesprit LA to lock my opponents powers.

Pokemon: 23
3-1 palkia g
2-2 garchomp c
1-1 dialga g
4 mesprit LA
3 Uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 crobat g
1 bronzong g
1 giratina PL (#9)
1 toxicroak g (promo)
1 dragonite fb

T/S/S: 28
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 pokemon collector
2 bebe's search
1 aaron's collection
4 super scoop up
4 poke turn
3 energy gain
2 sp radar
1 pokemon communication
2 energy exchanger
2 professor oak's new theory

Energy: 12
4 double colorless energy
4 water energy
2 warp energy
1 metal energy
1 psychic energy

> 61 CARDS < what should i take out?

Start with using palkia to attack with pearl breath ASAP. And meanwhile use mesprit to lock my opponents poke powers and making it harder for them to setup. After that i will start sniping with palkia X for 80 damage a turn or same with garchomp c lv.X . Or just continue with pearl breath if it's more suitable for the situation. And continue with that the whole game if able.

I only have 1 power spray and i don't really want to put it in aether so i wont. But i have super scoop up to re use mesprit s power lock.

Help is appreciated ^_^
-1 Palkia G Lv.X
-1 Spiritomb
-1 SSU
-1 Champion's Room
-2 Energy Exchanger
-2 SP Energy

+1 Palkia G
+1 Azelf LA
+3 Call Energy
+1 Bebe's Search
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Power Spray

Since Palkia is your wanna-be start, running 3-1 Palkia G is much better than 2-2. Azelf would help in case of a prized Palkia G Lv.X. Call is in case you get a Pixie start. Just grab the Chomp and Palkia G. Bebe's is in case you're under a Trainer Lock, where one Bebe's isn't good enough. Collector for extra consistency and Mesprit searching. The Power Spray is for locking after Mesprits stop being played.
I do agree on some of the changes but i don't have call energy. And i think i'll stick to sp energy since i can use lucario GL, bronzong g and crobat to attack if necessary.

I'll take out:
1 super scoop up
1 champion's room


1 power spray
1 bebe's search

I'll add collector and maybe do the 3-1 palkia line later.

3-1 Palkia is a must. You have to start with him for having him ASAP.
Why Lucario? Take out him for another Uxie, you'll lost him then, so it isn't a problem in bench.
And I don't like Spiritomb LA. If you start with him, it needs 2 energies for retreat. However I take out him, I also think it isn't so strong.
And for the pokemons:
- 1 Palkia G
+ 1 Palkia G LV X
- 1 Lucario
+ 1 Uxie
- 1 Spiritomb

2 Collectors are not enough. Many players love play 4 of them for consistency, but I think 3 are good. Add one at the expense of the Spiritomb.
4 Exchangers are toooooooo many!! Take out one for an Aaron's Collection, I prefer play two of them.
And add a PONT and a Power Spray taking out the Communications (I don0t like them in SP decks).
+1 Collector
- 1 Exchanger (but maybe 2 are enough imho)
+ 1 Aaron's Collection
- 2 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 Professor Oak's New Theory
+ 1 Power Spray

And I think the energies are ok.
You made a little mistake when typing, - palkia g and + palkia g lv.x lol.

I agree on the palkia thing and collector. But lucario is good to make my matches to more in my favor when i play vs some of my friends. They play electric with fighting weakness.

I will try to get more power spray if i get them i'll put them in.

Changes made check the first post.

Bump. I think i might need 1 more uxie and 1 azelf since i now only run 1 palkia g lv.X. I'll take out the lucario gl and hopefully beat my friends with garchomp... What can i take out for 1 azelf?

You sure? I just played the deck and i had some energy problems under trainer lock. And since i think vileplume decks will be quit popular this BR i don't want to make the odds worse than they are. But i might try it if nothing else is found to take out.

6 water energy is to much, I've played Palkiachomp for a few months now and I only play 4 water in my deck and it works fine, you'll need Promocroak for the Luxchomp match up with cause you alot of problem, unless you snipe there Luxrays and Chomps. Also if your worried about the Vileplume match up add in a 1-1 Dialga G X + a unown q to get it out faster, also since you run SP Energy you can defen lock early game them as well.
so if your worried about the Luxchomp match up
-2 water Energy
+1 Promocroak
+1 {P} Energy

if your worried about the Vileplume match up
-2 water
-1 ? something else that I've forgot
+1-1 Dialga G X
+q Unown Q (which makes DGX very easy to get out)
Don't have any of those >.< Anymore... But i know someone who might be able to borrow me a promocroak so i'll put it in.

And what could i take out for 1 azelf LA?

Drop 1 SP radar, 3 is a bit over kill since most of your pokes aren't even SP's and add in a Azelf, Drop a 1 giratina PL (#9), I haven't seen it played in this deck like this befor, Palkia is made on locking your opponents and giratina doesn't really help with this and add in a Collector to add consistancey.
I can try to take 1 sp radar for azelf but the giratina stays in. Just because you haven't seen it before doesn't mean that it isn't good ^^It actually helped me today when i played this deck.

Reviving thread. I'm building the deck (again) but a little different variant since i got most of the cards now but not all.
I have updated the first post so check it out.

Sorry for reviving a thread but it's my thread and it's the same deck (almost) so..
