Main attackers are palkia g and garchomp c, sniping for 80 every turn or using Pearl breath to spread. And then i'll run mesprit LA to lock my opponents powers.
Pokemon: 23
3-1 palkia g
2-2 garchomp c
1-1 dialga g
4 mesprit LA
3 Uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 crobat g
1 bronzong g
1 giratina PL (#9)
1 toxicroak g (promo)
1 dragonite fb
T/S/S: 28
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 pokemon collector
2 bebe's search
1 aaron's collection
4 super scoop up
4 poke turn
3 energy gain
2 sp radar
1 pokemon communication
2 energy exchanger
2 professor oak's new theory
Energy: 12
4 double colorless energy
4 water energy
2 warp energy
1 metal energy
1 psychic energy
> 61 CARDS < what should i take out?
Start with using palkia to attack with pearl breath ASAP. And meanwhile use mesprit to lock my opponents poke powers and making it harder for them to setup. After that i will start sniping with palkia X for 80 damage a turn or same with garchomp c lv.X . Or just continue with pearl breath if it's more suitable for the situation. And continue with that the whole game if able.
I only have 1 power spray and i don't really want to put it in aether so i wont. But i have super scoop up to re use mesprit s power lock.
Help is appreciated ^_^
Pokemon: 23
3-1 palkia g
2-2 garchomp c
1-1 dialga g
4 mesprit LA
3 Uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 crobat g
1 bronzong g
1 giratina PL (#9)
1 toxicroak g (promo)
1 dragonite fb
T/S/S: 28
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 pokemon collector
2 bebe's search
1 aaron's collection
4 super scoop up
4 poke turn
3 energy gain
2 sp radar
1 pokemon communication
2 energy exchanger
2 professor oak's new theory
Energy: 12
4 double colorless energy
4 water energy
2 warp energy
1 metal energy
1 psychic energy
> 61 CARDS < what should i take out?
Start with using palkia to attack with pearl breath ASAP. And meanwhile use mesprit to lock my opponents poke powers and making it harder for them to setup. After that i will start sniping with palkia X for 80 damage a turn or same with garchomp c lv.X . Or just continue with pearl breath if it's more suitable for the situation. And continue with that the whole game if able.
I only have 1 power spray and i don't really want to put it in aether so i wont. But i have super scoop up to re use mesprit s power lock.
Help is appreciated ^_^