BW/BW2 Possible Pre-Order Gift? (Translator Needed)

Ryu Shoji

Aspiring Trainer
Hey Guys,
I was browsing the various Japanese websites when I came across this: anslate
As you can see, on said page it begins with "With reservation present get". The page also mentions that the Japanese pre-orders will open on the 31st, and the Fan Club President will be visiting. One of the items is obviously a set of over-ear earphones, but the other?

Which then links to, which I can't read, due to not knowing Japanese:

Could this be a pre-order gift, or some other kind of promotion shiz (as it also mentions the President of the Fan Club, yadda yadda yadda).
With the "1000" and "50" totalling 1050, It could be safe to guess that when you pre-order in Japan, you get entered into a prize-draw. But then, why not have flashier prizes? Also, this page makes me believe competition:

But why would they announce the pre-order opening date, and not the pre-order bonus?

To be honest, I'd prefer for them to be prize draw stuff...Reshiram/Zekrom figures would be more epic.