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Post-a-Deck Part 20: Kyogre/Groudon LEGEND, Machamp X (Autumn BRs, Masters


Hey. How's it goin'?
I'm preparing for battle roads in a week and a half, so I can't order new cards for my deck, but maybe I can order some for cities. With any luck, I have the cards to make this deck better:

1 Kyogre/Groudon LEGEND (Massive Damage)
3-2-1 Crobat Prime (Quadruple Poison!)
2-1-2-1 Machamp X (More Massive Damage)
2 Uxie (LA) (DRAW POWER!)

Energies: 17
6 {F}
4 {W}
3 {P} (only need three, lol)
1 Warp Energy
1 Cyclone Energy
1 Upper Energy
1 Call Energy

T/S/S: 28
4 Bebe's
4 Candy
2 Expert Belt
2 Legend Box
2 Moomoo Milk
2 PlusPower
2 Defender
2 Pokeball
1 Super Scoop Up
1 Energy Search
1 Sage's Training

Hope for Machop, Machamp and rare candy and lose the coin toss to use the candy right away. If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, I can go for the 1TW (one-turn win) with those cards with Machamp's Take Out.
Unless you partially commit to using KGL then there is no point using it, even as a tech. It would be best to just focus around Machamp and Crobat prime (not much synergy between the 2, but it's what we'll work with)

-1/1 Kyogre/Groundon Legend
-1 Zubat
-1 Golbat
-2 Legend Box
-1 Energy Search
-1 Upper Energy
-1 Warp Energy
-1 Call Energy
-4 {W} energy
-2 Defender
-2 Plus Power

+1-1-1 Machamp SF
+1 Crobat Prime
+1 Chatot MD
+3 Pokemon Collector
+2 Pokemon Communication
+2 Professor Oak's New Theory
+2 Super Scoop Up
+2 Broken Time-Space
+1 Palmer's Contribution
+1 Mesprit LA (Adds a slight power locking strategy to the deck)
+3 Double Colorless Energy (allows Machamp to function late game)
+1 Cyclone Energy
I am keeping KGL in the deck, despite its big energy cost. I do count on using it.