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Alt. Format Post-CRI Kartana GX


Floette is love Floette is life
I'll update this list as more cards from CRI get revealed:
Pokemon: 13
4x Kartana GX (CRI)
3x Dhelmise (GRI)
3x Tapu Lele GX (GRI)
2x Marshadow (SHL)
1x Registeel (CRI)
Trainers: 34
3x Reverse Valley
4x Professor Sycamore
4x Choice Band
4x N
2x Hala
3x Max Elixir
3x Acerola
3x Guzma
4x Ultra Ball
1x Lillie
3x Float stone
Energy: 13
4x Double Colorless
9x Metal
I feel like Kitana was made to counter gardevoir. lol

Its ability is good, and more Hp then I thought it would get. It'll see some play, maybe more as tech because I think it would work well with metagross gx.
Ah, so I'm not the only person who see's potential in this card ;) But sadly, here's my opinion, rather my take. You really can't play Kartana GX by its self, Although I am NOT saying your list isn't good, it's great, I LOVE IT, but the way Kartana's first attack works you have to shuffle it into your deck once you use it. So am I missing the strat? or am I right? Because unless you have a secondary attacker on the bench again, say another Kartana, which is Possible, you would waste too many of your resources trying to keep getting Kartanas' out the whole game long. that's why i see it beong better as a secondary attacker in say a metagross deck. Yes i know Tapu Lele can be a secondary attacker, but ya know, Trashalanche ;)

That's my Honest take, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
Ah, so I'm not the only person who see's potential in this card ;) But sadly, here's my opinion, rather my take. You really can't play Kartana GX by its self, Although I am NOT saying your list isn't good, it's great, I LOVE IT, but the way Kartana's first attack works you have to shuffle it into your deck once you use it. So am I missing the strat? or am I right? Because unless you have a secondary attacker on the bench again, say another Kartana, which is Possible, you would waste too many of your resources trying to keep getting Kartanas' out the whole game long. that's why i see it beong better as a secondary attacker in say a metagross deck. Yes i know Tapu Lele can be a secondary attacker, but ya know, Trashalanche ;)

That's my Honest take, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
Firstly, You don't have to shuffle after using its attack the attack says "You may shuffle this Pokemon and all cards attached to it into your deck." so it's not a requirement but it can easily deny prizes.
Also, how does Trashalanche affect Lele's ability to attack, unless you mean weakness, which Lele doesn't have

Also, do you guys think FFB is better than Band in this deck?
I think it's too early to make a list for this thing yet. For all we know, we'll get a Deoxys-EX for Ultra Beasts, and IF the special energy we get is a double beast energy, then Beast Box will be the new meta. There's too much speculation and not enough info for there to be a real list for anything past SHL, so I would wait before making a list, OR asking for advice.
Firstly, You don't have to shuffle after using its attack the attack says "You may shuffle this Pokemon and all cards attached to it into your deck." so it's not a requirement but it can easily deny prizes.
Also, how does Trashalanche affect Lele's ability to attack, unless you mean weakness, which Lele doesn't have

Also, do you guys think FFB is better than Band in this deck?

LOL TOTALLY MISSED THE MAY! And for some reason i forgot Tapu Lele had no weakness ugh, I'm falling apart today, I just always tell myself all psychic types are weak to psychic types lol.
nice idea for marshadow GX, however what about 1 nest ball instead of having all balls being ultra?