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Post-Rotation Aromatisse Toolbox (Aromatisse / Xerneas)

Loli Bacon

Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, new member here. I'm fairly new to competitive TCG as well. The deck I'm going to list is my current deck pre-furious fists rotation. I'm looking to keep the same sort of idea/theme, but with the loss of Prism Energies, I need a little bit of help making it more solid. What should I change, in addition to removing the Level Ball, Super Rod and Prism energies, to make the deck stay relatively the same but more solid overall? I play tested simply by removing the Prisms, replacing them with Fairy energy, and replacing Super Rod with Sacred Ash, but I was having issues where if even a single of my pokemon with a Rainbow attached died, I ended up struggling to recover. Thoughts?


  • 2x Spritzee XY
    2x Aromatisse XY
    1x Victini-EX LTR
    1x Latias-EX PLF
    3x Xerneas XY
    1x Mewtwo-EX BW45
    1x Darkrai-EX BW46
    1x Yveltal-EX XY
    2x Xerneas-EX XY
    1x Jirachi-EX PLB
    1x Suicune PLB
    1x Emolga-EX XY
    1x Cobalion-EX PLS

  • 2x Fairy Garden
    2x Muscle Band
    4x Professor Juniper
    3x Colress
    3x N
    2x Skyla
    1x Pokemon Fan Club
    2x Startling Megaphone
    2x Max Potion
    1x Lysandre
    1x Super Rod
    1x Level Ball
    4x Ultra Ball
    1x Victory Piece

  • 4x Rainbow Energy
    4x Prism Energy
    6x Fairy Energy

Strategy is to get Xerneas out, start Geomancy-ing up the field and get as many energy/attackers out as fast as possible. Fairy Garden gives free retreat with Darkrai doubling as a single free retreater for other decks that run Fairy. As a tool box deck, the only two types I'm not running are Fighting and Grass (no good grass types, and Landorus-EX is too expensive.) Cobalion-EX is present in lieu of Enhanced Hammers, but I might replace that with a normal Cobalion for Energy Press to help against other fairy decks (Cobalion + Muscle Band KOs Xerneas-EX with 3 energy on it). Although Victini, Jirachi and Emolga are liabilities on my bench, they are only placed there if I absolutely have to or if I plan on using them to OHKO something. Emolga one shots Yveltal-EX, so any deck that uses it with a large amount of energy attached will quickly regret it. Victini is there as my fire type attacker. I considered using Moltres but Moltres is a dead card in most other matches, whereas if I am forced to start Victini, I can at least use it as a Mini-Xerneas. Victory Piece is my Ace spec because god knows I don't want to drop $15 on a computer search. Latias-EX is my answer for Pyroar decks, as Rayquaza isn't exactly my style. Suicune is my Safeguarder. I used to run Keldeo-EX but I found he wasn't very useful, having used him only once against a Mega Charizard deck, in which case Suicune can at least negate its damage.