Well looking at this now, the first things that immediately pop out at me are the 3-2 Ninetales line and the ULP Oranguru. While I see utility in the Ninetales, I am kind of confused as to the role of the Oranguru. What are you recovering with it? Energy? If so, there are probably other cards that could fill that role, like energy recycle system, energy recycler, fisherman, or Turtonator GX, to name the big ones. As for the Ninetales, I can see why they are included, but I'm not sure I agree with that reason. Yes, it's a good wall in anything other than the mirror, but it just... doesn't really work. I think it'd be better with just the 1-2 Vulpix, and no Oranguru, personally.
When I look at the trainers, I get sort of the same way. I don't think you need a max count of Tate and Liza, but instead around like 1 or 2. Swap the rest for Copycat. The Kukui are not necessary either, since a choice band and a single GX on their board does 190, and anything with 210 just requires another GX, which they would probably have, unless they were the mirror, only running 1 Lele and using items and Victini as energy recovery. Swap those out for a third Guzma and a third Nest Ball. Kiawe is really good for loading energy onto basics with high energy counts (Think Ho-oh GX or Reshiram GX), but not onto squishy 70 HP basics that could be KO'd fairly easily. I would replace it with a 4th Nest Ball.
Finally, the energy counts. Hoo boy. I'mma let you in on a "secret", Charizard should really only be running basic energy. Not only is it easily recoverable, but it also makes Victini hit harder and it charges up your 'Zards easier, since they need only basic energy in the first place. Counter can be good, but you should probably be ahead in the Prize trade (easy KOs on GX pokes while they take a KO on single prize attackers) for the majority of the game, negating their purpose. Rainbow is just useless here, since they only would apply to the Ninetales which don't synergize with 'Zard at all aside from being another anti-2-prize pokemon.
That's all of my observations, but I could be completely wrong in my reasoning (but I'm still sticking to my guns, since this is partially the general consensus for this pokemon. Find other Charizard lists and you'll see what I mean.)