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Standard Post ULP: Greninja BREAK


Aspiring Trainer
Even throughout the controversy, I still find myself to play Greninja BREAK. I'm pretty sure it's self-explanatory how this deck works considering this deck has been around for YEARS now.
4x Froakie
4x Frogadier
4x Greninja
3x Greninja BREAK
1x Staryu BKP
1x Starmie EVO
1x Remoraid
1x Octillery BKT
1x Tapu Lele GX
1x Mr. Mime GEN

4x Cynthia
2x Professor Sycamore
2x N
1x Skyla
1x Lillie

4x Ultra Ball
4x Evosoda
2x Pal Pad
2x Choice Band
1x Field Blower
1x Enhanced Hammer
1x Rescue Stretcher
1x Super Rod

3x Brooklet Hill

4x Splash Energy
6x Water Energy

New Inclusions:
Mr. Mime: Provides some heavy support against Buzzwole, which has been very popular in the current meta recently.

Cynthia: More consistent draw support than N, allows you to shuffle and draw 6, even in the late game.

Pal Pad: An alternative to VS Seeker. Now that we have Lele, we can shuffle supporters into the deck and search them out with Lele when we need them.

Octillery: Octillery is sometimes seen in this deck, but not often. This card is primarily used to help outspeed Zoroark decks and get consistent draw power when needed.

Espeon EX: Going forward with the meta, I don't personally see Rare Candy as big of an item as it used to be. Decks like Decidueye/Zoroark will most definitely run Leafeon GX for more consistency, so it wouldn't need Rare Candy. There's already a good enough matchup against decks like Metagross, being able to outspeed and lock them out of abilities. Stage 2's just aren't seen very much in the meta anymore. That said, the only Stage 1's that using this card could be used effectively would be the Eeveelutions (Espeon and Glaceon), and Zoroark. I just don't see it good enough to take up space in this deck.

Tapu Fini GX: I've been using Tapu Fini for a while now, and I just simply don't ever use it. It's only truly used for its GX attack, which isn't very useful 100% of the time. In a deck where energies are very valuable, and the fact that this card requires 1 energy to retreat AND is only ever used for its GX attack isn't very good. It takes up space, and it really isn't that great as a placeholder.