post your pets thread! (because the old thread died)


you can post descriptions or pictures of your pet(s) here!

mine are:

a guinea pig named Misty, black fur with a white fur ring around her abdomen. 4-years old

a ball python named Lucky, light black with brown circles, ?-years old (because i got her for Christmas last year)
I have a Dog her name is Snuffy, she is a mix between a lab and a husky, she has a white spot on her head, and she barks at anything that moves (exept for people she knows)

Also I really love her because she chased my worst enemy around in circles at my old school during show and tell (when I was in Kindergarten of course)

Yeah some of you may be saying, "Snuffy?!?! What kind of name is that?" I was five when I name her, so seu me.
yeah i totally hear ya! people wonder why i named my snake lucky, i just told them that it was my nease that named her.
I have a Snake named Wormey. :D

I also have a small guinea pig whoes name is Kyogre. I just like that name :D :D :D
hehe! Welcome to the club were you name your animals weird names! Nice name for you guinea pig :p
my dog named Rosemary chow chow/golden retriver REALLY cute and agressive i'll post picture soon
Blazing_Monkey said:
I have a dog, it's a pug and it's named Tofu. :F

Awww.... Pugs are my favorite dogs... I hope to get one for Christmas :p. If I do, I'll name it Puff-eye. Just sounds funny :p
I have a Dog, Cat and a Bird.

Their names are:



Err, this thread is really ancient.
Anyway I think thsi should stay open as its quite important.
7 weekish Kitten-Skitty/Skitts.
Grey tabby with white face and paws and belly.
I have A dog name spot he is very cute.
