Discussion Potentially Good Decks in the Future


Novelty or Non-Meta Decks Я Me
I want to ask everyone what up and coming decks will be good aside from the obvious ones. I want to know which cards that are underrated might get a decent amount of play in the future.

For me, I think a lot of Psychic decks are going to be pushed aside because of the rise of promo Garbodor. There are also other decks, but I will not list a lot because I want you guys to mention them.

Thank you!
Post rotation A. Marowak(Crimson Invasion)/ Turtonator/Ho-oh. Slow format=good for support like this.

You are completely assuming on the fact that we won't get a Lele reprint or a new GX draw support though, aren't you? Otherwise your wrong when it comes to the "slow format" part.
You are completely assuming on the fact that we won't get a Lele reprint or a new GX draw support though, aren't you? Otherwise your wrong when it comes to the "slow format" part.
Lele doesn't rotate. I'm assuming Max Elixir isn't getting reprinted by September and neither is Sycamore, hence "slower" format. And you know how often we get GX/EX based draw support? In Black and White era, all we got was Jirachi-EX, XY we got Shaymin-EX, and we currently have Lele and Zoroark. Out of more than thirty sets that are currently expanded legal and incorporate the -EX/GX rule, we have 4 that represent draw support, and only 2 of them actually make you draw cards. The next set will have to be total insanity for me to be wrong.
Lele doesn't rotate. I'm assuming Max Elixir isn't getting reprinted by September and neither is Sycamore, hence "slower" format. And you know how often we get GX/EX based draw support? In Black and White era, all we got was Jirachi-EX, XY we got Shaymin-EX, and we currently have Lele and Zoroark. Out of more than thirty sets that are currently expanded legal and incorporate the -EX/GX rule, we have 4 that represent draw support, and only 2 of them actually make you draw cards. The next set will have to be total insanity for me to be wrong.

Why do I feel the next set will be total insanity...
SM1 = meh. Guardians Rising = insanity. Burning Shadows = insanity. Crimson Invasion = meh. Ultra Prism = insanity. Forbidden Light = insanity.
Looks like the next set is scheduled to be meh
Alolan Dugtrio probably becomes standard viable after SM6 with Lady as a replacement for VS Seeker fisherman, running like 3-3 ribombee you can get 2 benched and pull out like 8 energy in a turn for OHKOs, or at least trade even on prizes with 2HKOs, using stretchers and energy recyclers to pull resources back into your deck.

In October we'll be getting Turbo Strike Solgaleo-GX and the new Lunala-GX which are extremely good when you consider the fact that the current Solgaleo-GX and Lunala-GX are both cards with great abilities and they all share the same basic line. I suspect people will try to run a thin Malamar line in it as well but I think that Turbo Strike and Lunala Prism Star/Energy Trans are probably good enough energy acceleration for Lunala-GX 2.0. You also can't undervalue Mysterious Treasure in the coming world of no brigette, having more reliable outs to all of your basics, tapu leles, and your main attacker will be invaluable.

I'm increasingly seeing the appeal of Wishiwashi-GX as well, unfortunately after rotation we lose Mr. Mime and have to run a Machoke line, but Brooklet Hill can get you Machop very easily when you need it to protect your babywashies from koko promo/buzzwole or the rare decidueye. You're very rarely going to get enough energy going for your big attacks, but Water Gun hits 2HKO on most of the game with 3 babywashi and a choice band, and they also push Wishiwashi-GX's HP outside of the OHKO range of everything, and even make 2HKO a bit of a struggle for cards like Zoroark and Golisopod, who suddenly need two banded attacks to 2HKO instead of being able to do it with one unbanded and one banded like they can do with the 250HP cards.
there is a chance glaceon gets better with wake coming out next set. maybe it becomes more control based since u can search stuff out and dont have to be so aggresive. and if we dont get another ability lock card before rotation is will certainly see more play then