Ruling pre-ex babies, can or cannot use wt???


Avid Fan
Since that other thread has been locked, heres my question here

Can I use WALLYS TRAINING on a PRE-RS (E days, Neo days, etc) BABY pokemon (4 xample elekid Neo Genesis) and evolve it into electabuzz? Because the text on Elekid says "Evolves into Electabuzz"
No... in either case:

"Q. Can I use Wally's Training to evolve a Baby Pokémon into its next stage? What about the newer forms of babies that are considered "Basic Pokémon" but have the "Baby Evolution" Poké-POWER?
A. Wally's Training states if you have a card that "Evolves From" your Pokémon There are currently no cards with text saying "evolves from" its baby form, so Wally's Training will not work on any form of baby Pokémon (Oct 23, 2003 PUI Rules Team)"
Whether it is an old baby or a new one, it is irrelevant.

None of the baby evolutions say "evolves from ...". Wally's training can only be used when that text is applied since 'technically' in the TCG those cards dont evolve normally. Look at Magmar, Electabuzz, Hitmontop (from Genesis and Discovery). None of them say "Evolves from Magby/Elekid/Tyrogue/etc" they are classed as basic pokemon, not stage 1 pokemon.

Wally's training can only be used if the "Evolves from..." text is on the card you are searching for, if it isnt, then you cant use it on that specific pokemon.
Like I quoted, Wally's training is looking for a card with the text "Evolves from ____ ", as opposed to "Evolves into". This is because Electabuzz can be played as a basic, and does not have the text "Evolves from Elekid". I'm not sure how much more clear I can make it.

Do you at least get the idea?
Like i've said in so many other TCG question threads over the months, if you still dont understand a ruling then dont bother trying to. Simply accept the answer instead of trying to understand. The rules are the rules, no matter how much you argue there is no changing them.