Pre-Order vs. Waiting for it to come out?


Aspiring Trainer
I really want to buy a Triumphant box. Should I pre-order one, or wait until places actually have it in hand first? Is there a difference in time it takes to ship? Any dangers from pre-ordering? Any opinions/experiences welcome :D
Well, how much do they want for the pre-order? Cause Triumphant is going to be a pretty pricy box once it comes out. So if they only want $100.00 or less, I recomend you pre-order
Just wait for the set to come out, you will get the cards at the same time no matter what, and preorders are generally more expensive. Also there is always a chance that the person never receives the box and never sends it to you. Just wait the month or so until the set comes out.
Id say pre-order one, you can try it from here.... i did. :cool:
I hope you're right dragon, it is a pretty awesome set

In other TCGs I used to play, I waited for the exact reason you did Vulpix, but I was wondering whether I had been wrong this whole time :p

Avacado, I was actually thinking of getting it from that seller XD $85, free shipping, not bad
i pre-ordered from them too.
they guarantee it ships 30 days from the date you purchase. or your money back. so if you buy today, ur guaranteed to have it ship out by november 7th. which is about the same time it comes out anyways.
also, i dont think you can beat $85 for a box ^_^
Yeah, Im getting 2 boxes from TrollandToad.

I chose to pre order because $80 is pretty much base price on a box. The cost of a box will go up if the cards in it are very popular or game changing.
I predict this set will be VERY popular because of cards like Gengar Prime and Junk Arm.
Order now, or they will be $100+
Or get it from trollandtoad. It is only $80.00, but I don't know about shipping.
Shipping would cost me $4.68. So you save 32 cents over that one on eBay. Save $2.29 by buying two.
I think I'll go with the troll and toad one; I've bought from them before, and when they made a mistake with my order, they fixed it quickly :) So I trust 'em more than the ebay guy.
I have bought a box from Dreamjoey multiple times. Never had a problem.
Never said I distrusted him, he has great feedback. It's just a matter of risk - I've bought from T&T before and know I can rely on them, I've never dealt with that seller before though.
Dang, I usually buy from The Gathering Ground, but now that I notice, their boxes are more expensive. It wasn't that way in the past...

I think I'll buy from Troll and Toad, although I'll surefire not buy two, I'm already short on money (Dang Nintendo, why did you have to have your best E3 ever?!?)
Pre-Order. At least this way you're guaranteed a box. Also, it's cheaper to P.O from T&T. I'm planning to get a 2nd box soon (hungry for my paycheck~)
eh. I waited for my UD box and bought one on ebay for 90 shipped. I'm probably going to dump 90 at pre-releases in main/side drafts so I probably wont buy a box unless I get HORRIBLE pulls. if you really want a box...just be sure to buy online either way, in store prices are usually horrible (120+ for UD)
Pre-order with T&T. I preordered UL on ebay and it took 3 week to get the box. Then the person just made a ton of excuses. Also if you buy after the set comes out, the value of the box might go up so you'll have to pay more.