Pre-Release "Draft" tournament question

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Aspiring Trainer
My young daughter just got into playing Pokemon and her local store is doing a pre-release draft in about a month for the new set. From what I understand she will get 5 boosters in the draft, and 2 at the end.

Here are my concerns:
1. She's really new to the game
2. The tourney is $25 to enter
3. There are a LOT of people who play at this place on open nights

As a parent who only understands how to play, not really the values of the cards just yet - I'm looking for opinions on if it's wise to let her participate since the money would be coming from her own allowance and I don't want her to get completely steamrolled for her money.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
For one thing, this should have been asked in the TCG section (inb4 minimod).

1. That isn't a problem. Prereleases are just for fun and getting the cards before the set is actually released.
2. 7 packs at a store would cost $28. You save $3 and you get the cards early.
3. Then there will be a lot of people there too. Prereleases are almost always busy.

I say, let her go. This set is supposed to have several valuable cards (such as Beartic and Pokemon Catcher), which could make the cost worth it. Plus, everyone who participates gets a special bonus card. And if she really wants to go, let her have fun and go. Worst comes to worst she doesn't win. Not a big deal.
1. My first event was a pre-release also, she'll meet many friends.
2. It is a great way for her to start a collection.
3. The more, the merrier.

Like Slick said, you should let her go. She will get a deckbox, and learn some skills of Pokemon playing. You should try it also, maybe you could both enjoy tournaments and both have fun a lot! :)
Thanks everybody! I think I'm more at ease and I especially like the idea of playing with her.

Sorry I posted in the wrong spot. It was hard to know where to post with so many areas!
Normally for questions like this, you'll want to ask in the Ask A Simple Play Pokemon Question thread.
It's little moments in her life like this will define herself. 10 years from now, will she look back at this as a good memory, or you as a poor parent for not allowing her to potentially make friends, have clean fun, and have a nice collection? I missed out on that stuff when I was little, and I'm still upset with my parents for not taking the initiative to take me out for a couple hours.
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