pre-release.... is it worth it?


Aspiring Trainer
hey, just started with pokemon again and i was wondering if going to the hs unleashed pre-release is worth it.
it costs $25 and all u get are 8 boosters total, the blastoise promo, and sleeves.
is it worth the money?
Well, packs are usually about $4 at the store, and you get 8 packs. 4x8=32. You're basically getting eight packs, sleeves, and a promo for the price of 6 packs. Yes, it's worth it.
Plus, it is a good time to just chat and hang with friends. In price, it's worth it. In what to do, it's still worth it.
8 packs a promo and sleeves for the price of 6 packs alone? sure.

also a good tournament that might help you learn something about how to play

EDIT: all of what I had to say was right before me. Not really ninja'd though, I'm just unobservant.

but yes. go to the prerelease.
well, i already ordered a booster box for $75, so that comes down to $2 a pack. so based off that, i find the pre-release to not be worth it, unless the promo and sleeves are valuable?
Well the sleeves aren't really super valuable but its the only time your going to be able to get any sleeves with a design while promos are so-so but mostly just collectible. Other than what you get its also a great place to make trades and meet people because it brings a lot of player out of the woodwork. I say its a good deal on the price and the fun
Yeah, sleeves are pretty good, and the promos are always cool.
You can make some trades at the prerelease too, have a couple battles, get experience in tournaments.

Yes, going to a prerelease is worth it. I think I just posted the same thing as the people above me but...
the sleeve usually don't last long (except rotom and electrivr). but it is still worth it. your getting 8 packs for $7 cheaper than regular. your also getting them 2 weeks in advance! so of coarse it is worth it!
I'm still going to mine, hopefully I'll have a better card pool than I did in the HGSS Pre-Release. Sealed I did horrible but Draft yeah.... T2 Raichu Donk was no fun especially since it was single elimination...
RE: pre-release.... is it worth it? Yes

Here's my 2 cents...

I value sleeves at about $5 -- that leaves us with $20 for 8 packs... $2.50 a pack, sure... that's a good price.

Based on that alone, it's worth it to go.

-- our PR has door prizes... a good number of them. If you're lucky and you get a door prize, you've certainly tipped the scales.

Then -- It's a hoot! The excitement of people getting cards for the first time... players all around you (and hopefully yourself!) pulling the new Primes. Building a deck from that which you pulled and playing genuinely fun games on a darn-even playing field. Yes, that definitely adds value for me.
ogeray said:
hmm seems like everyones saying go.
how long do they usually last?

Just a couple hours. Short, unless there's also a draft.

dmaster out.
I was we had drafts, Prerelease are worth it for sure, 4.31 $ a pack were I live, 4.31 x 8=buh school over today to lazy to math but over 25 so yeh it is
I think its when everyone gets Eight packs. You open one, pick a card and past the rest along to the left until all cards are gone. Do the same again, make a deck and thats it lol
Well, you get a tournament, a free Promo you'll almost never be able to get ever again, 8 packs for the price of 6 as mentioned before, and sleeves. And, you get to go to your friend's house who has no idea what a prerelease is before the set comes out, show him the cards, and trade them for something awesome.

Use that to search for a prerelease in your area, then they might give you a link to a website which has all the details.
All you need is your POP ID Number and $25. A deckbox and dice are optional and probably preferred, but not much else.

dmaster out.