PreRelease or Box?

Prerelease. With less than 100 cards in the set, your chances of gettin a good amount in 8-12 packs are pretty good.

But a box, you get like every card excluding LV X's.

I would go box if i went by myself, with my brother, then I would go to PR.
Depends on what you want to do.

Pre releases are more fun, but you might not get want you want.

Boxes get you a lot of variety from the set, so if you don't get what you want you can use the extra's as trade bait.

I personally would pick the pre-release for the fun.
Prereleases are not only fun, but they offer a lot of things that a box can't, such as:

- You get Sleeves. Everyone can use extra sleeves, even if they are bad quality and split the first time you use them.
- Your get a Promo. I hate it when I miss a prerelease and then when I try and trade for a Prerelase stamped card, I always get ripped off.
- You get a chance to see how some of the Basics and Stage 1's of future decks work when you are forced to use them.
- You have fun.
- You get a bargin. 8 Packs x $4 = $32. $25 Prerelase = 8 Packs + Sleeves/Promo.
- After the prerelase, you can have a chance to trade for the cards you need when everyone else is, meaning you are more likely to get good deals (or even get to trade) if you have what someone else needs.
- You can scope out the Metagame. If you pay attention to what cards all the good players in your age division are looking for, you can get a rough idea of what you might expect at cities.
- You get to meet other people. It may not be so with you, but where I live going to any event that isn't league means I get to see all the people that are in my state (or boardering state) that normally I don't get to see because they go to their own weekly league.
- You can get Door Prizes. All though TO's don't have to do Door Prizes, if yours does you get to have a lot of fun with the raffle and such.
- You can participate in the after-draft. If you state doesn't have many Prerelases, TO's will often get too many packs, and then will do Drafts after the Prerelease. Drafting is a better way to get the cards you need for decks than Sealed events, because you get to choose from a new set up cards the card you would want to take.
- You get to bask in glory of pulling a Lv.X. The n00bs surround you, the semi-decent league players offer to trade you anything for it, and the good players offer you even better cards for your card. That is, if you do pull a Lv.X.
- If you have siblings that you go with, you can both be on the lookout for card you both need, and pool your resorces when you get home to make good decks.
- When your parents see how much fun you had (that is, if you still live with your parents) they will be happy for you, and will be more inclined to take you to more events.
- The fun lasts all day. Boxes give you fun for about 10 mintues while you tear open packs.
- You get the chance to discuss stratagy and the Metagame with good players in your area.

If thouse aren't reason enough, I don't know what is. I have always been a big supporter of prerelases over boxes, because of the reasons above.

If you already have enough money to go to the Prerelases and to get a box, definately go for as many Prereleases as you can. If you are going to choose between Box and Prerelease, I'd still go for Prerelease.
i say pre-release as it's always fun to be able to trade if you didn't get what you wanted, also it's fun to hang out with friends and spend a day doing stuff than just 5 minutes opening packs.