Prerelease Questions


Aspiring Trainer
I just recently got back into the tcg since the neo genesis set...things have changed...anywho I found out there's going to be a pre release for plasma freeze this Saturday. I've never been to one before so I was wondering what to expect going in and is there anything I personally need to bring to it?
Prerelease Q's

Bring cash, your pop id and some deck sleeves if you want to sleeve up your 40 card deck. Bring your trades if you want to do some of that, and then that's pretty much it.
RE: Prerelease Q's

I don't have a pop I need to bring damage counters, status markers ect.? I read there's a tournament during it. Thank you for the advice :)
RE: Prerelease Q's

I don't have a pop I need to bring damage counters, status markers ect.? I read there's a tournament during it. Thank you for the advice :)

They'll make an ID for you. Damage counters arn't mandatory, but if you do have some be sure to bring them just in case your opponent doesn't have some. I would highly recommend you bring sleeves though. I always see some people play without sleeves and at the end of the day their cards (some of which are ex's) have edge-wear.

But yeah, it's a super fun event. Start the day off by paying the fee, get 6 packs, open 'em up, make a 40 card deck, and rule the tournament. Then after all that's done you'll be given your additional 2 packs and the deck box and promo.
RE: Prerelease Q's

Last time I didn't get a POP ID, but I didn't seem to need one. I'm not really competitive (school stopping me from going to tournaments) so I don't really mind.
Apart from that, this is pretty much what happens. I was one of those people without any sleeves (or money for that matter) so my Articuno EX ended up 'slightly played' D: Also if they give you the deck box early it makes storing cards easier as well.