prerelease sleeves

I don't really like the color combo, but I'll live if they're high quality sleeves. Plus, they're my High School's colors so Titan Pride is cool. ;]

dmaster out.
almost my school colors(gold, purple)
pop has been giving us pretty good quality sleeves for a while since LA. hopefully there streak will continue.
- They're my school's colors.

- They're U of M colors

Other than that, I guess they're cool. Let's just hope they're decent quality.
Doesn't everyone remember the Dusknoir SF sleeves? All of us thought that they were the ugliest things in the world. That was because they appeared to look like a different color. (They were like some sort of ugly orange color) And then when we actually saw them, they were one of the coolest looking ones yet. So what I'm saying is, sleeves appear to look completley different on a computer than in real life.
A lot of people seem to not like the sleeves, but i like it. I'm a fan of the Yellow and Blue combo.
Blue and gold is not a bad colour combination. :|

You guys are confusing combination with placement. If the gold was the Garchomp and the blue was the cover it would look amazing. Unfortunately, the reverse is not as great.

But nevertheless Garchomp is awesome.
trevorispro said:
I didnt even realize that prereleases start this weekend

my sentiments exactly

the look of the sleeves isn't bad...I think they would look better with the colors being swapped, but they're not that bad...I will be playing with them
I got my sleves today and they look alot different. It is not yellow but more of an orange color, and the garchomp is more purple.