Prereleases? What am I to expect?

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Shut up baby, I knowit!
Ok, I've NEVER been to a Pokemon pre-release.
Ok, well maybe never, I went to the Holon Phantoms ones, and I was very late so I missed the last event, plus i didn't have money for packs. So, all I got out of it, where a couple trades and a HP box empty ( sure why not, figured came all the way out here for something, it can hold my commons until I got home, and put them in my bigger box ).


This time I'm gonna be fully prepared:
- Ride
- Money ( lots of it )
- etc

So what things do they do at prereleases can I do?
I know they have boosters drafts and tournaments and such.

But do they also sell Boxes? if so, does anyone know how much
not many of them sell their boxes but, most will want the singles and they will give you packs for your singles.
Okay here we go

usually $20 dollars for the tournament and 6 packs.
build 40 card deck
play around 5 rounds
then some sell boxes or u give them singles for packs;)
then you have a $20 draft at the end

pretty simple.

Arcanine out.
Nanashii said:
This time I'm gonna be fully prepared:
- Ride
- Money ( lots of it )
- etc
you might want to add energies, unless if your judge brings them, but it's still better to bring your own
(well, I bring my own, but my judge brings them too *here comes the bragging part*, cause my mom is the judge, so they are the same energies *not funny, I know*, but, anyways, I let other people borrow my energies)
yeah my judge (MPBirch) brings 'is own energies, so i don't have to worry about that, but still it might be a good idea.

Arcanine out.
Pre-releases are much different from regular tournaments.

First off, bring your own deck protectors (sleeves) and maybe some boxes to put cards in. You will need $20 for the main event, and $20 if you wish to participate in the theme deck challenge / booster draft. Bring extra money if you need to pay for gas or lunch.

Everyone will be dealt 6 booster packs. They must build a deck of 40 cards. The normal rules regarding copies of cards doesn't apply; if you have more than 4 cards with the same name, you can use them. Energies are almost always provided. You will also get a pin and a pre-release stamped card that can't be used in the tournament.

The tough part about pre-releases is deciding what to put in your deck. Sometimes, you get really good evolution cards, but very few or no basics, rendering the evo useless. You will need more energy than normal, and will probably need to run at least 2 different elemental types. It is mostly the luck of what you get. Almost all of the time, I end up going 1-4.

Oh, and you get a few more booster packs after the tournament is over. Often times, they have raffles for boxtoppers or booster packs during the event.
Just to clarify: If you get another of the same prerealeased stamp card in the pack (not with the stamp of course) you can use it.
but he might not have the money. not the best of advice for telling him what to expect in a prerelease.

oh and bring your own deck protectors.

Arcanine out.
Play whatever trainers you get, play a solid evo line or two, don't be afraid of playing multiple types (unless they all take more then 1 of thier specific energy type), and play alot of solid basics (with decent hp, and if you get any that can get you pokemon/energy/trainers, or do something like future site, adding it would be adviaced). This is comming for a person who has won well over 10 pre-releases/drafts, so this advice can be, that sounds pretty dumb, but w.e.
Were you gonna buy packets well don't because when we have pre-realeases if you come 1st you get a whole box of them!But ive heard alot of leauges only give 4 packs as prizes to everyone anyway if anybody going to the worlds post me and we can meet up there.Im so happy i won the nationals!:p
which nationals did you win??
what age category?

also if you get a good st1 or st2 and have the energy (if special type) and pokemon to play it, then PLAY IT. it'll help a lot. also try to play whatever trainrs you get.

Arcanine out.
yes. if it's a HP pre-release, then you can only play HP cards from your 6 packs. that's it, unless it's stated otherwise.

Arcanine out.
this topic may be old but I felt the need to post this.
I went to the prerelease on Sun...


Woot, #1! ( of the 15+ of course, but still I won ), my first prerelease and I won
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