the purpose of this deck is to use landorus and mega turbo to power up primal groudons, battle compressors, scorched earths and ultra balls to discard energy to help set up, and the shaymin ex to refresh your hand
- 3 Groudon EX
- 3 Primal Groudon EX
- 2 Shaymin EX
- 3 Landorus
- 2 Switch
- 3 Steven
- 2 Shauna
- 2 Tierno
- 3 Korrina
- 3 Mega Turbo
- 2 Shrine of Memories
- 2 Scorched Earths
- 1 AZ
- 3 VS Seeker
- 1 Pokemon Fan Club
- 2 Professor's Letter
- 3 Trainers' Mail
- 1 Xerosic
- 1 Battle Compressor
- 2 Groudon Spirit Link
- 2 Ultra Ball
- 2 Lysandre
- 8 Fighting Energy
- 4 Strong Energy
the purpose of this deck is to use landorus and mega turbo to power up primal groudons, battle compressors, scorched earths and ultra balls to discard energy to help set up, and the shaymin ex to refresh your hand
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