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Primal Groudon EX / Medicham

Bruno Miguel

Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Primal Groudon EX
    2 Groudon EX
    3 Meditie PCL
    3 Medicham(O barrage) PCL
    2 Landorus FFI
    2 Hawlucha FFI

  • 3 Korrina
    2 Lysandre
    1 Teammates
    4 Professor Sycamore
    3 N
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick

    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Switch
    2 Groudon Spirit Link
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Scramble Switch
    2 Professor's Letter

    4 Fighting Stadium
    2 Silent Lab

  • 4 Strong Energy
    6 Fighting Energy


The strategy of this deck is pretty simples, hit fast and strong with medicham, while you power up your primal groudon in bench, then just switch to him and hit ko everything in front of you xD.
I thougt in use Celebi EX to enable medicham to use meditite's attacks, but I don't know if it would be good ^^, so what you guys think?
-2 Groudon-EX (Honestly this will take too much time to set up if your focus is Medicham)
-2 Primal-Groudon-EX (Honestly this will take too much time to set up if your focus is Medicham)
-1 Maxie's Hidden Trick (You won't really ever get this when you actually want it.
-2 Groudon Spirit Link (Honestly this will take too much time to set up if your focus is Medicham)

+2 VS Seeker (Staple!)
+1 Ultra Ball (Consistency)
+2 Lucario-EX/Landorus-EX (Try one of these guys. It'll work nicely)
+1 Hawlucha (You'll find you'll use this guy quite a bit, especially as a hit and run, as well as freer retreat)
+1 Muscle Band (Consistency)

Also try swapping Scramble Switch for Super Scoop Up. The latter can be used as a way to remove damage counters from your Pokemon, essentially refreshing it. It may be better. Or even Computer Search - you can search for it Turn 1 with Korrina, if necessary.
I'll try out a pure Medicham deck after, but the Idea of this was trying to mix them (Medicham/Primal Groudon EX).
Yesterday I play in a City tournament, and there was a Lot of Medicham decks, it seems to play very nice.
about maxie, you're right about it, I tried Archie once with my kyogre deck and the result was awfull, I never really had a chance to use it, it was very hard to be only with archie in my hands so i droped it. I'll consider some your advices and try to make it work xD