Hey everyone! The past few days I've had this combo stuck in my head thinking it could work. I'll be making proxies this weekend to try it out regardless, but would like to hear some feedback on what everyone thinks works or doesn't work with my list. As well as thoughts on this combo in general. To be honest it does seem rather clunky, running 2 sets of evolutions that require an item to efficiently evolve, however the payoff might just be worth it. Without further ado here is the list....
Pokémon: 16
3 Groudon EX
3 Primal Groudon EX
3 Cosmog
1 Cosmoem
3 Solgaleo GX
2 Shaymin EX
1 Glaceon EX
Trainers(Supporters/Items/Stadiums): 33(9/21/3)
4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Skyla
1 Lysandre
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Rare Candy
3 Trainer Mail
3 Groudon Spirit Link
2 Heavy Ball
1 Super Rod
2 Silent Lab
1 Parallel City
Energy: 11
3 Metal Energy
4 Strong Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
There isn't much wiggle room with the list. But I'll quickly explain some of the less obvious choices. The sole Glaceon EX is mainly for the Grass types out there, predominately Lurantis GX and Vespiquen decks that otherwise threaten to OHKO Groudon due to weakness and the deck is not built to sustain multiple Sunsteel Strikes.
The 2 Skyla might be 1 too many but I'd like to hear some thoughts on this from those who have tried Solgaleo lists, I am running Spirit Links and Rare Candy so its seems ok but potentially too slow. Heavy Ball can find all Groudons and Solgaleo so it gets decent value here, although I could see Nest Ball working as well in order to search for Cosmogs.
And finally, the energy count. Groudon needs 3 Fighting energy to unleash his attacks(4 in total) and the deck currently play 8 potential Fighting energy slots. Meaning that I should be able to power up 2 Primal Groudons over the course of the match. Running Rainbow over basic Fighting Energy increases my chances of getting off an early Sol Burst GX which requires a single Metal Energy and of course can fulfill Primal Groudon's Fighting energy requirement as well. The self inflicted damage does offset some of the immense bulk these attackers possess but I feel the synergy is worth the cost.
That's all I have to say for now. Looking forward to hear some feedback!
Pokémon: 16
3 Groudon EX
3 Primal Groudon EX
3 Cosmog
1 Cosmoem
3 Solgaleo GX
2 Shaymin EX
1 Glaceon EX
Trainers(Supporters/Items/Stadiums): 33(9/21/3)
4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Skyla
1 Lysandre
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Rare Candy
3 Trainer Mail
3 Groudon Spirit Link
2 Heavy Ball
1 Super Rod
2 Silent Lab
1 Parallel City
Energy: 11
3 Metal Energy
4 Strong Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
There isn't much wiggle room with the list. But I'll quickly explain some of the less obvious choices. The sole Glaceon EX is mainly for the Grass types out there, predominately Lurantis GX and Vespiquen decks that otherwise threaten to OHKO Groudon due to weakness and the deck is not built to sustain multiple Sunsteel Strikes.
The 2 Skyla might be 1 too many but I'd like to hear some thoughts on this from those who have tried Solgaleo lists, I am running Spirit Links and Rare Candy so its seems ok but potentially too slow. Heavy Ball can find all Groudons and Solgaleo so it gets decent value here, although I could see Nest Ball working as well in order to search for Cosmogs.
And finally, the energy count. Groudon needs 3 Fighting energy to unleash his attacks(4 in total) and the deck currently play 8 potential Fighting energy slots. Meaning that I should be able to power up 2 Primal Groudons over the course of the match. Running Rainbow over basic Fighting Energy increases my chances of getting off an early Sol Burst GX which requires a single Metal Energy and of course can fulfill Primal Groudon's Fighting energy requirement as well. The self inflicted damage does offset some of the immense bulk these attackers possess but I feel the synergy is worth the cost.
That's all I have to say for now. Looking forward to hear some feedback!