So as far as strategy goes, my main strategy is to use the 4x Korrina to get fighting EX Pokemon on my bench, and use Professor's Letter and Muscle Band to power them up. Also, I use Landorus and Korrina. What I do is have Landorus as my active Pokemon, use Korrina to search for a fighting EX, put that fighting EX on my bench, use Battle Compressor to discard fighting energy, and use Shout of Power on Landorus as long as I can to take the fighting energy from my discard and put them onto the fighting EX's on my bench.
2 Pancham FFI-59
2 Pangoro FFI-68
1 Makuhita FFI-51
1 Hariyama FFI-52
1 Scraggy FFI-66
1 Scrafty FFI-67
1 Spiritomb PHF-55
1 Landorus FFI-58
1 Landorus EX
1 Groudon EX PRC-85
1 Primal Groudon EX
1 Lucario EX
1 M Lucario EX
1 Yveltal EX
1 Darkrai EX
1 Malamar EX
2 Ultra Ball
1 Groudon Spirit Link
4 Muscle Band
4 Evosoda
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Professor's Letter
1 Battle Compressor
1 Pokemon Center Lady
4 Korrina
1 Professor Sycamore
1 Shauna
1 Scorched Earth
7 Fighting Energy
5 Dark Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
2 Strong Energy
So as far as strategy goes, my main strategy is to use the 4x Korrina to get fighting EX Pokemon on my bench, and use Professor's Letter and Muscle Band to power them up. Also, I use Landorus and Korrina. What I do is have Landorus as my active Pokemon, use Korrina to search for a fighting EX, put that fighting EX on my bench, use Battle Compressor to discard fighting energy, and use Shout of Power on Landorus as long as I can to take the fighting energy from my discard and put them onto the fighting EX's on my bench.