Cynthia does nothing for Groudon. The problem wasn't consistency, the problem is power creep and not being able to handle power creep. And what do you mean ugly?! GROUDON IS BEAUTIFUL. Groudon is one of my top 3 favorite decks of all time, but there's a lot going against it, and people playing Golisopod doesn't help. I absolutely adore the deck, but it's simply outdated to the current format. It does however have a great Zoroark Matchup, and I believe 2 or 3 Primal Groudon top 64'd Dallas, so it's not abbysmal. I actually lost to Alex Schemanske, who was playing this deck in Dallas. Something that looks neato is ULP Spiritomb that keeps basics from attacking and getting supporters back into your hand. If whales keeps getting bigger, Groudon might become tier 2. I don't think it'll be tier 1 though because it struggles against everything that isn't whales or Zoroark. And a lucky Zoroark player can beat Groudon if they play their cards right.