Start with Landorus, use Korrina to search for Groundon Ex and draw with Scorching Earth to allow Landorus to accelerate energy to the benched Groundon Ex. Next turn evolve into Primal Groundon Ex and continue to accelerate to him. On the third turn attack with Primal Groundon Ex to ohko the defender. Built another Primal on the bench and conserve resources with Scramble Switch.
Pokémon (12):
2 Primal Groundon EX
3 Groundon EX
1 Landorus EX
1 Jirachi EX
2 Hawlucha
3 Landorus
Trainers (36):
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
4 Professor Sycamore
3 Korrina
2 Lysandre
3 N
1 Teammates
1 Colress
3 Groundon Spirit Link
1 Scramble Switch
2 Professor's Letter
3 VS Seeker
1 Ultra Ball
2 Muscle Band
2 Switch
1 Silent Lab
2 Fighting Stadium
4 Scorching Earth
Energy (12):
8 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy
Start with Landorus, use Korrina to search for Groundon Ex and draw with Scorching Earth to allow Landorus to accelerate energy to the benched Groundon Ex. Next turn evolve into Primal Groundon Ex and continue to accelerate to him. On the third turn attack with Primal Groundon Ex to ohko the defender. Built another Primal on the bench and conserve resources with Scramble Switch.