I have a couple suggestions and definitely take it as you wish. This build seems pretty solid so I would definitely try to focus on setting up Aqua Turbo by the first turn you can atk. The strategy is to possibly discard water energies with ultra ball/sycamore, but also play elixirs to increase the rate at which palkia can attack turn one. Between Palkia, Aqua Patch + Elixirs, you can get tons of energies and increase the rate at which you draw one of the cards. Sometimes you can even go as far as equip 6 energies in 1 turn which lets your primarina atk for 130 by your second turn (160 with choice band). Spread your energies as well so that 1 pokemon doesn't carry too many where a lysandre knockout can mess up your mojo with Primarina. Take it with a grain of salt, but I would make the following changes:
+ 4 Max Elixir
+ 2 Lysandre
+ 1 N
+ 1 shaymin ex (if possible over the oranguru, just in case its prized)
+ 1 Lapras GX or Glaceon EX (or tapu lele if you have access to it)
+ 2 Ultra Balls
+ 1 or 2 Field Blowers
- 2 Dive Balls (seems weird but ultra ball lets you discard your water energies to patch them back.
- 2 Rough Seas (most pokemon hit very hard so a 1-1 Rough sea brooklet works - see which one you like more)
- 1 Lilie (only keep if your playing Tapu Lele to search it turn 1. Then again, your opponent can lele in return and just N you.
- 1 Olympia
- Hala (Best for decks that use their GX atks early like Solgaleo)
At this point, I would leave it up to you as to what else you should take out. I'm not digging Switch but it might help you clutch out games and I dropped Trainers Mail because I've seen a lot of that new Trashalanche Garbodor seeing play. 1 card I didnt mention earlier but one that I do like is professor kukui - its just one of those cards that let you hit key numbers for 1 or 2 shot knockouts. With 6 energies on board, a choice band, and a kukui, you can knock out tauros gx in one hit. If it has a fighting fury belt, field blower it away and claim your 2 prizes. Hopes this is some helpful feedback.
Good luck!