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Standard Prism Squids (Ultra Squids on a Budget)


Aspiring Trainer
3x Necrozma GX BUS (Main attacker)
4x Inkay FOL (Evolve)
4x Malamar FOL (Energy acceleration)
1x Oranguru SUM (Draw)
1x Dawn Wings Necrozma GX (Invasion+Retreat; Backup attacker)
1x Lunala Prism Star (Good non-EX/GX attacker to skew prizes in your favor; Good for acceleration when ability-locked.)
1x Giratina XYPR (Greninja; decent backup attacker)
1x Mew FCO (Good non-EX/GX attacker. You can use this to Black Ray without having to worry about your opponent taking 2 prizes.)

4x Professor Sycamore
3x Guzma
3x Cynthia
2x N
2x Lillie

4x Ultra Ball
4x Mysterious Treasure
4x Float Stone
3x Field Blower
2x Choice Band
1x Professor's Letter
1x Super Rod

11x Psychic Energy

This deck has a very simple strategy: Get energy in discard, Psychic Recharge onto Necrozma, Black Ray GX, and Prismatic Burst everything for KO by Invasion+Psychic Recharge+Retreat.

Necrozma GX; This deck runs Necrozma over Ultra Necrozma because it's a decent enough attacker that hits 220 with 3 Malmars + Choice Band, and hits Buzzwole for weakness. Also Ultra Necrozma is $27 for regular art at the moment LOL
No Lele: Ultra Squids doesn't even really use Lele at any other point than T1 to grab Lillie. I don't think the deck really needs Lele, so this deck can stay competitive without it.
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Bench space for Malamar is critical, so anything you dont reeeeeeaaaly need in the Pokemon, get rid of.