Professor Program problems


Aspiring Trainer
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but, anyone here has problems in taking the Professor Test in Poké

In my locals we dont have a judge yet, so a friend of mine was going to take the exam and became a professor, however when he tries takes to take the exam its denied like this:

You are not allowed to take the Professor Exam.

Then i tried too with my account and the result was the same, neither of us have never taken the exam before so the 2 weeks cooldown must not be the problem.

We dont live in the US, however in the home page nothing is mentioned about a restriction to people outside US regarding the exam.

Somebody has a idea of whats happening or how i can find a solution? thanks, also if this is the wrong area for this topic or if it must be closed i apologize.

pd: forgot to mention, im 22, my friend 25
dragonexpert said:
Do you have an account on If not that will be why.~Mark

yeah, i have an account too

i better post some screenshots to make everything more clear
Based on those images it looks like you are logged into your account. You should send those screenshots to [email protected]. Explain the situation to them and they can figure out whats wrong. There are 4 conditions that I know of that don't allow you to take the test.

1) You aren't 18. That isn't the case here.
2) You aren't logged into your Trainer account. Not the case here.
3) You have failed it and your waiting period isn't up. That isn't the case here.
4) You are already a Professor and your status hasn't expired yet. That isn't the case here either.