Professor Program


Them Crooked Fearows
I've been curious about the professor program since I first got back into the game...I'm wondering how to determine when I might be ready to try and take the quiz. Any suggestions? Are there penalties for having to take it more than once to pass?

Also, does being a Professor prevent you from participating in any types of Organized Play?
To answer your questions:

You have to be a registered member of the TCG, and 18 years of age. You should study the official rules, until you have a firm grasp on them, in order to be ready to take the test. The only penalties you will receive for failing the test, is waiting two weeks ( a month if you fail it a second time, and then on) before you can test again. Lastly, yes, you can still participate in all types of organized play, including a special professor's tournament.

At least, that's what it was the last time I checked (a couple months back).
5 Suggestions...


I just celebrated my 1-year-anniversary as a professor so I might be able to provide a few helpful insights...

1st - I suggest you attempt to take the Professor test. Seeing the types of questions on the exam will show you the kinds of things you'll need to know. It will also show you how your mind "needs to work" in order to answer the questions and pass the test.

2nd - There's no penalty (other than having to wait) for failing the exam. Consider your first try to be "free practice" ----I failed my first time -- it was a great learning experience.

3rd - is your friend

4th - Try to get a copy of a reasonably new Theme Deck Rule Book. Those can be quite helpful when taking the test. (Which direction should a pokemon be turned to indicate sleep/paralyzed... what order do you calculate damage in... etc.)

5th - Good luck - I hope this info is somewhat useful.

- Hypno68
Thanks for the replies, definitely helpful info here :)

Guess I'm gonna spend some time reading up and give it a shot tonight! Not expecting to pass the first time but hey, fingers crossed :p