• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Projecting the Future H: LvX W: Magnezone, Yanmega, Kingdra


Did you know I'm riding a horse?
Ohio, United States


1.) I live in the US and will trade only in the US for now

2.) I will send cards in clear sleeves inside of toploaders, I expect the same.

3.) I follow the ref rule

4.) I will inform you when I send my half of the trade out, I expect the same.

5.) You rip, and you'll be reported

6.) All my cards are 100-90% Mint, unless marked Questionable Condition.

7.) Please make offers instead of saying CML, it'll make things alot easier for me.

8.) Best Time to Catch Me online is probably 10am-12pm, and 7:30pm-8:30pm EST.


2x Charizard G Promo
2x Garchomp C Promo
1x Garchomp C Pack
1x Flygon
2x Luxray GL
1x Dialga G
2x Blaziken FB
1x Infernape 4
1x Giratina Promo
1x Giratina Pack
1x Palkia G
1x Staraptor FB (damaged)
1x Shaymin Sky Forme Promo

5x Meganium Pack
1x Meganium Promo
2x Ampharos
3x Ursaring
1x Slowking
1x Electrode
1x Tyrannitar

Tyranitar Delta Species Ex

1x Suicune/Entei Top
2x Raikou/Suicune Top
3x Lugia Top
1x Entei/Raikou Bottom

2x Alph Lithograph 1
4x Alph Lithograph 2

Other Randoms
Shiny Raikou SL9 (CoL)
Pikachu Reprint (RR)
Zapdos Reprint (SV)
Electabuzz Reprint (PL)
Frost Rotom
Heat Rotom

Black and White + Promos
3x Bouffalant (Revenge) 2x RH
2x Mandibuzz
1x Throh
1x Sawk RH
2x Lillligant
2x Scolipede
1x Reuniclus
3x Zekrom (1 RH and 1 Promo [BW005])
2x Klingklang
4x Musharna
1x Oshawott BW03
1x Oshawott BW08
1x Axew BW10
1x Snivy BW06
1x Darmanitan

Call of Legends
3x Tangrowth
3x Umbreon (1 RH)
2x Ampharos
2x Typhlosion
2x Houndoom
2x Pidgeot
1x Deoxys
1x Dialga
1x Lugia
1x Espeon
1x Gyarados
1x Granbull
1x Skarmory
1x Ursaring (RH)

4x Pidgeot
2x Aggron
3x Solrock (1x RH)
2x Lunatone
2x Wailord
2x Machamp
2x Magmortar
1x Electivire
1x Elekid (RH)
1x Golduck
1x Venomoth (RH)
1x Dragonite
1x Rapidash
1x Banette
1x Kricketune
1x Dugtrio
1x Drapion
1x Celebi (RH)

3x Umbreon
1x Drifblim (RH)
3x Metagross
2x Tropius
3x Leafeon
1x Honchkrow (Blindside)
1x Honchkrow (Vengeance)
1x Forretress
1x Rotom
1x Bellossom
1x Vespiqueen (RH)
1x Mismagius
1x Houndoom (RH)

1x Shaymin
2x Fearow
2x Lucario
2x Crobat
2x Sudowoodo
2x Octillery (2 RH)
2x Politoed
3x Magmortar
2x Primeape
4x Beedrill
2x Ninetales (1 RH)
5x Steelix (2 RH)
6x Tyranitar (2 RH)
7x Poliwrath
8x Roserade
4x Torkoal (1 RH)
1x Mismagius
1x Lanturn
1x Ursaring
3x Stantler RH

Heartgold Soulsilver
6x Ampharos (1 RH)
5x Butterfree
8x Ledian (1 RH)
2x Weezing
5x Ariados (1 RH)
5x Smoochum (1 RH)
6x Lapras
5x Furret
3x Exeggutor
3x Arcanine (1 RH)
4x Shuckle (2 RH)
4x Clefable
4x Granbull
1x Pichu
7x Sandslash (1 RH)
4x Meganium (1 RH)
7x Farfetch'd
6x Feraligatr (2 RH)
2x Red Gyarados (1 RH)
4x Tyrogue
3x Noctowl (1 RH)
3x Gyarados
3x Hypno (2 RH)
7x Persian (1 RH)
2x Sunflora
3x Azumarill (1 RH)
2x Wobbufett
3x Raichu

HS Promos and Misc.
1x Hitmonchan HGSS24
2x Hitmonlee HGSS25
1x Shuckle HGSS15
1x Lapras HGSS 14
3x Pikachu HGSS03
3x Wobbuffet HGSS04
2x Porygon HGSS22
3x Porygon2 HGSS23
7x Latios HGSS11
5x Latias HGSS10
2x Gyarados (HS Trainer Kit, 1 holo/1 Non holo)
2x Raichu (HS Trainer Kit, 1 holo/1 Non holo)

3x Gengar (Poison Jab)
2x Porygon-Z G
3x Lopunny
2x Salamence
3x Charizard (Glass Foil)
2x Manectric
6x Glalie
1x Gengar (Curse)
1x Probopass (RH)
1x Kabutops
1x Zapdos G

Supreme Victors
2x Lucario C
3x Exploud
3x Roserade C
2x Dewgong
2x Arcanine G
2x Regigigas FB
1x Medicham
1x Butterfree FB
1x Dusknoir FB
1x Lickilicky C
1x Camerupt G
1x Swampert
1x Honchkrow (Big Daddy Krow)
1x Empoleon FB
1x Lunatone (RH)
1x Primeape (RH)
1x Yanmega
1x Blaziken FB
1x Rayquaza C

Rising Rivals
4x Espeon 4 (2 RH)
5x Flygon (3 RH and 1 Non Holo)
2x Golem 4
2x Aggron
3x Mr Mime 4
4x Nidoking
2x Nidoqueen
5x Rhyperior 4
3x Mamoswine GL
2x Raichu GL
3x Gastrodon West Sea
3x Vaporeon
2x Flareon
1x Jolteon (RH)
1x Jirachi
1x Bronzong 4
1x Hippowdon
1x Gallade 4
1x Yanmega 4
1x Vespiqueen 4
1x Snorlax


Still Have alot of cards from last format, ask if I got them


I got plenty of other rares, if you're looking for something in specific, just ask.


3x Yanmega Prime
2x Kingdra Prime
6x Magnezone Prime
Xx Catchers
Xx Vileplume

3x FA Reshiram
2x Gengar Prime
3x Alph Litho Four (TR)
1x Weavile UD

Any Mew Card
2x Raquaza/Deoxys Top
2x Rayquaza/Deoxys Bottom

Minor of the Minor
No Removal Gym -Gym Heroes
The Rocket's Training Gym - Gym Heroes
Celadon City Gym - Gym Heroes
Cerulean City Gym - Gym Heroes
Pewter City Gym - Gym Heroes
Vermilion City Gym - Gym Heroes
Narrow Gym - Gym Heroes
Chaos Gym - Gym Challenge
Resistance Gym - Gym Challenge
Cinnabar City Gym - Gym Challenge
Fuchsia City Gym - Gym Challenge
Rocket's Minefield Gym - Gym Challenge
Saffron City Gym - Gym Challenge
Viridian City Gym - Gym Challenge
Ecogym - Neo Genesis
Sprout Tower - Neo Genesis
Healing Field - Neo Revelation
Rocket's Hideout - Neo Revelation
Lucky Stadium - Wizards Black Star Promos
Pokémon Tower - Wizards Black Star Promos
Broken Ground Gym - Neo Destiny
Radio Tower - Neo Destiny
Energy Stadium - Neo Destiny
Lucky Stadium - Neo Destiny
Apricorn Forest - Aquapolis
Pokémon Park - Aquapolis
Undersea Ruins - Aquapolis
Power Plant - Aquapolis
Ancient Ruins - Skyridge
Mirage Stadium - Skyridge
Mystery Zone - Skyridge
Underground Lake - Skyridge
High Pressure System - EX Dragon
Low Pressure System - EX Dragon
Team Aqua Hideout - EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua
Team Magma Hideout - EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua
Ancient Tomb - EX Hidden Legends
Desert Ruins - EX Hidden Legends
Island Cave - EX Hidden Legends
Magnetic Storm - EX Hidden Legends
Mt. Moon - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Rocket's Hideout - EX Team Rocket Returns
Rocket's Tricky Gym - EX Team Rocket Returns
Meteor Falls - EX Deoxys
Space Center - EX Deoxys
Battle Frontier - EX Emerald
Pokémon Park - POP Series 2
Championship Arena - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Holon Research Tower - EX Delta Species
Holon Ruins - EX Delta Species
Championship Arena - EX Delta Species
Cursed Stone - EX Legend Maker
Full Flame - EX Legend Maker
Giant Stump - EX Legend Maker
Power Tree - EX Legend Maker
Strange Cave - EX Legend Maker
High Pressure System - POP Series 3
Low Pressure System - POP Series 3
Holon Lake - EX Holon Phantoms
Crystal Beach - EX Crystal Guardians
Holon Circle - EX Crystal Guardians
Battle Frontier - EX Power Keepers
Drake's Stadium - EX Power Keepers
Glacia's Stadium - EX Power Keepers
Phoebe's Stadium - EX Power Keepers
Sidney's Stadium - EX Power Keepers
Speed Stadium - Diamond & Pearl
Moonlight Stadium - Great Encounters
Dawn Stadium - Majestic Dawn
Snowpoint Temple - Legends Awakened
Galactic HQ - Platinum
Sunyshore City Gym - Rising Rivals
Battle Tower - Supreme Victors
Champion's Room - Supreme Victors
Tropical Beach - Promo
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

Please look over the rules:
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

1x Power Spray
1x Poketurn
1x Cyrus Conspiracy
1x BTS
and do you have any technical machines
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

Only thing on your list that I saw was probably Espeon Prime. And I probably do have TM's, I'd have to check for them when I get home tommorrow.
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

Well, Poketurns are typically 6-7 dollars, and Espeon Prime alone is only going for about 8 dollars at the moment. So to add a BTS and some TM's on my side would tilt the trade into your favor.
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

Do you have any Sableye (StormFront)?
By the way, your link to your rep thread takes you to your trade thread.
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

maybe you can look for something extra and I only need 1 evolutor and 1 devoluter
I also have Entie Suicune bottom
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

If its in good condition I can give you
x2 Gardevoir PL
x1 Suicune/Entei (Bottom)

x1 Sableye SF
x1 Steelix Prime
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

Hello Project696!

Do you have x2 Uxie (LA), x1 Azelf (LA), and x2 Garchomp C?

RE: Project's Trade Thread!

@FistBumpIt - I'm not really looking for a Suicune/Entei Piece, as I already have 1 full one for my collection. Only other things on your list that somewhat interest me are Houndoom Prime and UD Vileplume

@DarkMind - I'm not looking for a Suicune/Entei piece. So if you can exchange that with something else, then it'll be looking good.

@Quedus - I don't have any spare Uxie or Azelf, but I do have 2x Garchomp C
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

Im willing to do this
Houndoom prime
Espeon prime

Poke turn
1 Tm evolutor
1 TM devolutor
RE: Project's Trade Thread!

@Project696 Okay, well, do you need the Gardevoirs' anymore?