pronounciation questions


Aspiring Trainer
Beartic - is it "bear-artic", "be-artic", or "bear-tic"
anyone knows how its suppose to be pronounced?

bothers me sometime beacuse i know its a combiniation of bear and arctic, and i just want to pronounce it that way


-somewhat OCD
well, if it were to be pronounced "bear arctic" then it would actually be spelled "beararctic" like "zoroark" is just "zoro" and "ark" put together. but instead, it's "beartic" which takes "bear" and just the last part of "arctic" (which is "tic") and put those together. thus pronounced "bear-tic." ....I guess they thought more than two syllables would be unnecessary? *lists many pokemon names with 3+ syllables.* but yeah, sorry can still pronounce it "bear arctic" but you'd be the only one...especially since the only "c" is at the end, leaving nothing to give a "k" sound between the "ar" and "tic".

and as far as cinccino, this one has been annoying me. I automatically pronounced it "chin-chee-no" and someone at my league with a cinccino deck pronounces it "sin-see-no." but in actually, we're both grammatically incorrect. "cin" is pronounced "sin" while two "c" 's put together (cc) is pronounced either as "ck" or "ch" depending on what is placed around it. since the letters leading up to it are pronounced "sin" and the letters following are "e-no," then making it sound like "sin-key-no" is rather illogical, as it is less fluent as "sin-chee-no" with the given spelling...having a "ck" sound would logically be spelled as "sinkeyno" (I get this logic in that, in many cases, "cc" after a "c" is pronounced "ch.")


beartic = "bear-tic"
cinccino = "sin-chee-no"

-somewhat CDO (the proper order)
cinccino is a spinoff of chinchilla for me. however, gramatically, its made up of cindy+Capuccino
thus i think its suppose to be pronounced Sin-chee-no

but i want to pronounce it as Chin-chee-no, given the chincilla influence.

who knows until the anime comes out. but even then, the anime has pronounced the same names different ways.( ar-kee-us vs. ar-see-us)
that one bothered me most in the arceus movie
Who cares about how it's pronounced? As long as somebody else knows what you're talking about, then there's no need
Since I am very CDO (I love that) about how I pronounce things (I always kick myself every time I accidentally say 'REJ-ice'), I always look up the etymology of the Pokemon's name for pronouncing it.
Therefore I derive:


There are exceptions for when I find that the pronunciation is irredeemably stupid (like Rayquaza), but those are rare.
DNA, I trust you on this more than anyone else...

so I have to ask, why "sin-CHEE-no" and not "chin-CHEE-no?" I would think that it would sound like "chinchilla"... but, naturally, you're right all the time... ;P
Because a "ci" is not normally pronounced like a "chi" in English or Italian. It would need two concurrent Cs to do that.
also why thank you sir.
yeah I got it from the chinchilla reference to naturally call it "chin-chee-no" when it first came out but had to kind of train myself to call it what it properly is: "sin-chee-no"

@pokefan4000: it's not really that big of a deal, you're right. when playing the game, you can just look at the card and know what it is. in fact, you can play the TCG game without talking at all...just point and show. it's just from the social aspect of it, many people like to know how to properly say things.
I say Cinccino "sin-c-no" and, Beartic "Bear-tic".

I know I'm wrong though.
As awkward as it looks, it's pronounced "sin-CHEE-no".

I pronounce that stupid LAME SUCKY POLAR BEAR as "bay-ar-tic". It's Regice all over again (though I still say regi-ice).
I pronounce them "bear+artic" and "Chin-chi-no". They're probably wrong, but I really don't care. As long as someone knows what you're talking about, it's cool. For instance, I have always pronounce milotic as "mill-low-tok" and it's way off.
I know Sin-chee-no is correct. But my mouth prefers sin-ce-no, Like Cincinnati.
I always seem to make that miss pronunciation and now my playgroup has taken my lead, unfortunately.
Of course they ALWAYS correct me when I say Ry-ah-chew.

And how exactingly is Regice supposed to be pronounced?
Man you guys are all wrong.

Cinccino: "Thatchinchilladudethatlookslikehe'sgotamustache"

Beartic: "ThaticetypeUrsaringguywiththefrozenbeard"

That's how I say 'em.


Just kidding.

"Sin-CHEE-no" and "BEAR-tic" are correct. :)
And how exactingly is Regice supposed to be pronounced?
The correct pronunciation is with 3 syllables, "reh-jee-ice"; stress can be on either the first or last syllable. (It's directly translated from the Japanese, Rejiaisu.)
DNA said:
And how exactingly is Regice supposed to be pronounced?
The correct pronunciation is with 3 syllables, "reh-jee-ice"; stress can be on either the first or last syllable. (It's directly translated from the Japanese, Rejiaisu.)

yeah that one is awkward but you gotta treat it as if the g is alone (basically) but pronounce the "re" as if a g is look at it more like "re(g)-g-ice"

note: "()" makes letter silent.
I don't know whether this is hijacking the thread (I hope not), but this probably doesn't deserve its own thread.

How do you pronounce Pokemon?

My sister and I both say Poke-ee-mon, but I've heard people at the league I go to say Poke-uh-mon. Which is right?
I pronounce it with the accent (which is there for a reason): Po-kay-mon.

dmaster out.