Ruling protective orb qwestion


Official pokebeach poison gym leader!
say i attach it to my grovle then evolve to sceptile EX whould i discard it or whould it not give me any protection or whould it still work?
the way the wording is, it seems like you can do it, but there is always a check on the cards that cannot be attached to an EX, and the moment the card is attached to an EX, it is gone. the ATM's, orb, Scramble, DRE also fall into this category
RE:  protective orb qwestion

Lord9511 said:
But DRE doesn't say as "is attached to is a pokemon ex, discard DRE".

It isn't stated on the card, however you need to discard it when attached to a pokemon that gets evolved into a pokémon ex.
I think they just ran out of space on the card to type that part:)

it's true :p take a looks at the card, does it look like, "when the pokemon double rainbow energy is attached to is evolved into a pokemon ex, discard double rainbow energy" would get on the card?
don't think so, well maybe if they make letters so tiny-tiny,that the card looks like some kind of complicated contract :p
