
He's Watching.
Does anyone on here have a PS3? If you do, what are your favorite games for it? My sister recently bought one, and since I have the only TV upstairs, she usually lets me use it whenever I want. Sadly though, it's one of the new models that can't play PS2 games. Good thing we didn't get rid of ours, lol. My favorite games so far are Motorstorm : Pacific Rift and Burnout Paradise. My PSN ID is the same as my username on here.

P.S. I would like no 360 vs. PS3 discussions in this thread, so, please, try not to start one.
Well I don't own one yet, I was going to but then I spent most of my Christmas money on sweets and games.:( But fingers crossed for my birthday.....

Hey since you say you have a PSN network ID I have a question. I regestered my PSP on PSN yesterday and since my dad won't let use use his credit card I have to redeem those point card things but I can't find any. Not even on the internet, only american ones. Is there anyway to redeem points in th UK?
My Favourite games on the PS3 are, Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare, Call Of Duty : World At War, Fifa09, Little Big Planet. Thats pretty much it.
Resistance 2, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune are great exclusives for the PS3.

dmaster out.