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Standard Psychic GX deck


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon - 17

2 Eevee SUM 101
2 Espeon-GX SUM 61
3 Cosmog SUM 64
2 Cosmoem SUM 65
1 Lunala GRI 61
2 Lunala-GX PR-SM SM17
2 Mareanie SUM 62
2 Toxapex-GX GRI 57
1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI

Trainers - 28

Supporters - 11
1 Mallow GRI 127
1 Lillie SUM 122
2 N FAC 105
2 Professor Sycamore PHF 101
1 Professor Kukui SUM 128
1 Teammates Primal Clash 141
1 Skyla Breakthrough 148
1 Pokemon Fan Club Flashfire 94 (reprint Generations)
1 Lysandre Ancient Origins 78

Items - 13
2 Rare Candy SUM 129
1 Nest Ball SUM 123
1 Ultra Ball SUM 135
1 Enhanced Hammer GRI 124
3 Max Potion GRI 128
1 Field Blower GRI 125
2 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 Professor's Letter Breakthrough 146
1 Escape Rope Primal Clash 127

Stadium cards - 2
2 Altar of the Moone GRI 117

Tools - 2
2 Choice Band GRI 121

Energy - 15

2 Double Colorless Energy
13 Psychic Energy

Basic goal is to get Altar of the moone out and have a Lunala GX with Psychic Transfer on my bench. That way I can move Psychic energy for free, and also have (almost) free retreat. With Psychic Transfer I also get free healing (Max potion when there are no energys attached, then moving energy back).

I love the attacks of Espeon GX (and if I start with Eevee I have Espeon GX on turn 1 with the ability of Eevee and 1 Psychic Energy), and Toxapex GX ('free' turn without having damage or anything, GX attack + super intense potion = 250 damage).

I choose 1 Tapu Lele GX (maybe I should get a second but that is a budget thing at the moment, have 1 at the moment), same for some expensive trainer cards like Max Elixer, which may be rotated out soon.

Also I am thinking about Garbador: on the one hand I try to keep the number of items cards low, but playable. On the other hand, I am thinking about adding Garbador myself.

I use this deck now against friends, maybe I would join a standard tournament in the future.

Any tips and feedback are welcome!
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