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Alt. Format Psychic Malamar for Post Rotation (SUM-CES)


Aspiring Trainer
As most of you may know, Malamar is a very potent threat in the current PTCG meta, being able to easily deal with Buzzwole, and only really having one weakness in Zoroark. Today, I will give my list that I plan to use through rotation.

4x Inkay
4x Malamar
2x Necrozma GX
2x Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
2x Tapu Lele GX
2x Mewtwo SMPR (Pressure)
1x Mewtwo GX
1x Marshadow GX
1x Deoxys ATK CES
1x Dunsparce CES

4x Cynthia
4x Sophocles
3x Guzma
1x Judge
1x Lillie

4x Ultra Ball
4x Mysterious Treasure
2x Field Blower
1x Rescue Stretcher
2x Choice Band
4x Altar of the Moone

10x Psychic Energy

Losses from rotation:
Professor Sycamore - Essentially replaced with Sophocles. Every deck loses a LOT of speed without Sycamore, but Sophocles is the best we've got.
Giratina XYPR - Not a big loss since Greninja also rotates, but this is essentially replaced with Deoxys ATK another Mewtwo, which we can use to beat Buzzwole.
Float Stone - Replaced with Altar of the Moone, but Float Stone is a terrible loss for the deck.
Max Elixir - This is actually a pretty big loss. Since we don't have an efficient enough way to get energy from the deck or attach energy from the deck (other than Beast Ring, but we can only use that for Dawn Wings.
Brigette - I was thinking about running Pokemon Fan Club, but I decided to go for Lillie instead, since it is a better T1 supporter than PFC or Steven's Resolve in my opinion. Dunsparce is its replacement.

SM8 - I have no idea how to build this deck for SUM-SM8, but Custom Catcher and Ditto Prism look very interesting, Ditto especially. Being able to use Ditto Prism to evolve into either Malamar OR another Stage 1 attacker looks clunky but VERY interesting and is worth a test.
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I don't see why you'd add ATK Deoxys to this deck. It's an effective reprint of EVO Mewtwo who's competitive use is being a psychic attacker for a single DCE which Malamar doesn't use. You'd be better off with another Pressure Mewtwo
I don't see why you'd add ATK Deoxys to this deck. It's an effective reprint of EVO Mewtwo who's competitive use is being a psychic attacker for a single DCE which Malamar doesn't use. You'd be better off with another Pressure Mewtwo
True lol

-1 Deoxys ATK
+1 Mewtwo