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Standard Psychic Strength (Mewtwo EX / Friends)


Aspiring Trainer
So I haven't collected any Pokemon cards since maybe Rocket set. I've recently decided to try getting back into the game and started with a Night Striker starter deck, which this deck used to be. I've since traded my friends and purchased only a few single cards to create what I have now, but I'd love to make my deck better. Any advice is appreciated.

Pokemon: 19
  • 3 Deoxys ROS
  • 2 Mewtwo EX BKT (Shatter Shot)
  • 2 Mewtwo EX BKT (Photon Wave)
  • 1 M Mewtwo EX BKT (Psychic Infinity)
  • 2 Ralts BKT
  • 2 Kirlia BKT
  • 1 Gardevoir AOR
  • 2 Skarmory ROS
  • 2 Teddiursa BKT
  • 1 Ursaring BKT
  • 1 Cresselia BKT
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 23
  • 1 Mewtwo Spirit Link
  • 1 Town Map
  • 3 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Evosoda
  • 1 Reserved Ticket
  • 1 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Tierno
  • 1 Shauna
  • 2 Pokemon Fan Club
  • 1 Pokemon Center Lady
  • 1 Fisherman
  • 1 Wally
  • 2 Giovanni's Scheme
  • 1 Professor Sycamore
  • 1 Skyla
  • 1 Dimension Valley
  • 1 Mountain Ring
Energy: 18
  • 14 Psychic Energy
  • 4 Mystery Energy

Basically the strategy is to search for Mewtwo (I prefer Shatter Shot) and kill. I have Deoxys and Skarmory for early game search power if I don't pick up Mewtwo. Ursaring is just a colorless powerhouse and can force my opponent to switch Pokemon around. Kirlia is to pick up used supporter cards, and Gardevoir is to just keep every Pokemon somewhat healthy. Mega Mewtwo can be played early game before I have enough energies to even attack so the end turn rule doesn't hurt that much, or later game after searching my deck and probably having the spirit link.
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I would try to get more mega mewtwo for a 3/3 line up with 3 spirit links, because I think megamewtwo is a really nice attacker
I would try to get more mega mewtwo for a 3/3 line up with 3 spirit links, because I think megamewtwo is a really nice attacker

Thanks! I've been doing some research and asking around, and also been playing with the deck some more just to see how it feels, and I've come up with a list of changes.

First change I'd love to do is axe the Gardevoir line, I've found that having it just kind of hinders my deck. I'm not entirely sure what to replace for them, but I'm definitely thinking more Mega Mewtwo like you suggested. I also want to remove the Skarmory, because I don't get much opportunity to use them. It's just a Pokemon form of Fan Club. While Fan Club uses my supporter limit for the turn, I've never felt like it's impacted my deck significantly before. The last removal I'd want to do is Reserved Ticket. With all that being said, I'd also love to cut down on the amount of supporters in the deck so I can play more trainers during the turn.

For things I want to add, double colorless energies seem necessary for my Mega Mewtwo. I'd also want to grab Shrine of Memories, it'd allow for my Mega Mewtwo to use Damage Change. The Sableye XY Promo card seems like a good card to get energies on my Mewtwo cards. And even though I just talked about cutting more supporters, I think Lysandre would be a good addition to the deck.

So for Pokemon, in an ideal situation, I think I'd end up with something along the lines of
Pokemon: 19
  • 3 Teddiursa BKT
  • 2 Ursaring BKT
  • 3 Deoxys ROS
  • 4 Mewtwo EX BKT (Shatter Shot)
  • 3 Mega Mewtwo EX BKT (Psychic Infinity)
  • 4 Sableye XY Promo 92
Give or take. And then my energies
Energy: 18
  • 4 Double Colorless
  • 10 Psychic Energy
  • 4 Mystery Energy
I'm still not entirely sure what to do with trainers or if I should cut down on Pokemon/Energy cards.