Ruling PTCGO ? On Cryo Mouth


Raising Ash
Just wondering? Maybe I'm not understanding the card.
Yveltal hit M GLallie for 50pts. I Lysandered the benched Yveltal EX up (The bench one had 4 energy attachments to it) I thought M Glalie would hit for 250pts of damage because M Glallie was already damaged from 50pt on baby Yveltal. M Glalie hit Yveltal EX for 100pts dmg instead. I don't run the card very often so I'm asking you if this is how the card works.

I thought Cryo Mouth worked if there was 10 or more damage counters on it, but I just may be confused.
I'm not sue I understand the situation. If M Glalie-EX only has 50 damage, then Cryo Mouth won't do the extra damage because it needs ten or more damage counters to trigger that (100 damage). However, PTCGO does have glitches from time to time. If the M Glalie-EX already had damage on it such that it now has at least 100 damage, then Cryo Mouth should do the extra damage. If it doesn't, then this is a glitch. It should be fixed in a future update.
This is a very common misunderstanding of M Glalie-EX's Cryo Mouth. I've explained this a few ways and this one seems to do the best job.


Gengar-EX's Night Attack places three damage counters on any of your opponent's Pokemon. Each damage counter is 10 damage, and you are effectively placing 30 damage on the Defending Pokemon. Three damage counters is equivalent to 30 damage.

Cryo Mouth does 150 extra damage if M Glalie-EX has ten damage counters on it. Because each damage counter represents 10 damage, ten counters is 100 damage needed for Cryo Mouth to hit for extra damage.

This is a little more intuitive in the actual TCG where players often use dice and the "ten counters" are easier to identify. PTCGO shows a big "10" when there's one counter on a Pokemon, making it seem like Cryo Mouth is very easy to trigger.

It sounds like you had 50 damage - or five damage counters - on your M Glalie-EX when you attacked which is half of what you needed. You were looking at damage as opposed to damage counters.

Let me know if this clears things up :)
Thanks. Got it. So, effectively you need 100 damage on it to pull off Cryo Mouth. Don't play the card often, but that makes sense.