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Alt. Format PTCGO Unlimited: Toxicroak EX / Crobat / Sigilyph


Aspiring Trainer
(Howdy! This deck is intended for use in PTCGO Unlimited deck format, which means anything goes! (although the client doesn't have access to EVERYTHING))

  • 2 Emolga (B&W Legendary Treasures)
  • 2 Croagunk (B&W Legendary Treasures)
  • 1 Toxicroak (B&W Legendary Treasures)
  • 3 Duskull (BC)
  • 2 Grimer (HS Undaunted)
  • 1 Muk (HS Undaunted)
  • 1 Sigilyph (BW Boundries Crossed)
  • 1 Toxicroak EX (Flash Fire)
  • 2 Trubbish* (BW Noble Victories)
  • 1 Garbordor (Plasma Storm)
  • 3 Venipede (Plasma Storm)
  • 1 Whirlipede (Plasma Storm)
  • 1 Scolipede (Plasma Storm)
  • 2 Zubat (Plasma Storm)
  • 1 Crobat (Plasma Storm)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 21
  • 1 Gold Potion
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 2 Town Map
  • 2 Bianca
  • 4 Cheren
  • 1 cilan
  • 2 Professor Elm's Training Method
  • 1 Virbank City Gym
  • 2 Giant Cape
Energy: 15
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 11 Psychic Energy

This is a strange deck I threw together for Unlimited on PTCGO over a year ago (with some minor changes since then which are reflected here) mostly for fun. Unlimited decks at the time (and maybe now?) on PTCGO were over run with lots of EXs and needed time to set up and get energies in place. I found that with this deck I could run down those decks in two ways, which became the key strategies of this deck.

First I could get Sigilyph set up on my bench with the needed energies, then switch it in when all the opponent had remaining was EXs and whittle them down. Assisting Sigilyph's damage with Virbank City Gym and Hypnotoxic laser. Otherwise I can build towards Toxicroak EX + Crobat with Virbank City Gym out and rely on poison damage to make quick work of EXs that would otherwise be able to plow through my deck. With guest apperances by Garbodor and Muk to disrupt any setting up/bad situations that Toxicroak can't handle quickly.

I enjoy playing this deck although it is not very good practically (over the past 2 days I have felt the need to concede many matches because of extremely poor card draw (very unlucky stuff like all my 'end game' pokemon being in my prizes and an opposing team that resists psychic). While I don't think there is much I can do to thwart RNG I would like to fix up anything extremely weak in this deck (for example, is Sigilyph my best answer to EXs? I know Suicune can do a similarly good job but I don't want to abandon the purple synergy!). While I am limited by what cards I have access to in the PTCGO client, I also have an assortment of medicore EXs that I could probably trade for cards that could help this deck. I'm also not opposed to appealing to card pack RNG and simply buying packs with tokens and hoping for the best.

I'm not sure what else I should mention here? But I want to make clear that the crux of this deck is 1. Wacky poison damage and 2. Something that stops EXs in their tracks. I don't want to deviate from this too much, but would gladly accept any advice to do it better. Thanks for reading!

(unrelated, and this is a steep request, feel free to ignore it! But can anyone think of any way to have a similar deck (maybe only the poison fun, but no answer to EXs except other EXs) in the Standard format? Just mentioning some core cards would be fine, I'll make a separate thread if I get enough ideas about making such a deck.)
I'd cut the Scoliopeede line and the Duskulls. You already have way too many Pokemon, and you didn't even mention them in your strategy. While I'm sure they had some niche role to play, you need to focus on consistency, and that means playing thick lines of the Pokemon that are essential to your strategy. This might be how I'd do it with regards to the counts of Pokemon; you don't have to do this exactly, but it should be an example of what I'm talking about.

  • 3-3 Toxicroak
  • 3 Sigilyph
  • 2 Toxicroak EX
  • 2-2- Garbodor
Same thing goes for your Trainers and Supporters. You should run multiple copies of the cards that help you get set up. I'd play multiple Virbank City Gyms since a lot of your deck can poison. One card I think you should take a look at is Professor Juniper. It's easily the best draw Supporter in Expanded. And since this is Unlimited, you should also look at Professor Oak's New Theory. Both of those are a lot better than Cheren. These suggestions would be a step in the right direction, and I hope you've found them helpful!
Ok, these are good suggestions and I will work towards acquiring these cards and adding them to my deck. I will update this thread when significant changes are made. Thank you!