ENERGY (11):
Head Noiser
Trainer - Pokemon Tool (Team Flare's Hyper Gear)
Pokemon Tool F: Attach a Pokemon Tool F to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon-EX that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it. If that Pokemon is Knocked Out, discard this card.
The Pokemon this card is attached to has the cost of its attacks increased by [C].
If this card becomes detached, this card is discarded to the original player's discard pile.
Go first and start with Seismitoad Ex. Use Quake Punch to lock items while Mewtwo Ex is built on the bench. Garbodor shuts down abilities and Head Noise further slows the opponent down and disables her/him to attach useful tools once the item lock down. The tool also combos well with Mewtwo since it allows him to hit harder in case the opponent decides to invest more energies to attack.
3 Seismitoad EX (disabler)
3 Mewtwo EX (beatdown)
3 Trubbish (evolution)
2 Garbodor (disable)
4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
2 Battle Reporter (draw)
2 Lysandre (gust)
3 Skyla (search)
4 N (draw)
4 Hypnotoxic Laser (disable)
1 Professor's Letter (search)
1 Computer Search (search)
3 Muscle Band (beatdown)
2 Head Noiser (disable)
2 Float Stone (retreat)
3 Ultra Ball (search)
2 Switch (switch)
2 Bicycle (draw)
3 Virbank City Stadium (enhance)
ENERGY (11):
4 Double Colorless Energy
7 Water Energy
Head Noiser
Trainer - Pokemon Tool (Team Flare's Hyper Gear)
Pokemon Tool F: Attach a Pokemon Tool F to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon-EX that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it. If that Pokemon is Knocked Out, discard this card.
The Pokemon this card is attached to has the cost of its attacks increased by [C].
If this card becomes detached, this card is discarded to the original player's discard pile.
Go first and start with Seismitoad Ex. Use Quake Punch to lock items while Mewtwo Ex is built on the bench. Garbodor shuts down abilities and Head Noise further slows the opponent down and disables her/him to attach useful tools once the item lock down. The tool also combos well with Mewtwo since it allows him to hit harder in case the opponent decides to invest more energies to attack.