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Purple Sea (Seismitoad EX / Mewtwo EX / Garbodor)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar


  • 3 Seismitoad EX (disabler)
    3 Mewtwo EX (beatdown)
    3 Trubbish (evolution)
    2 Garbodor (disable)


  • 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
    2 Battle Reporter (draw)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    3 Skyla (search)
    4 N (draw)
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser (disable)
    1 Professor's Letter (search)
    1 Computer Search (search)
    3 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    2 Head Noiser (disable)
    2 Float Stone (retreat)
    3 Ultra Ball (search)
    2 Switch (switch)
    2 Bicycle (draw)
    3 Virbank City Stadium (enhance)

ENERGY (11):

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    7 Water Energy


Head Noiser
Trainer - Pokemon Tool (Team Flare's Hyper Gear)
Pokemon Tool F: Attach a Pokemon Tool F to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon-EX that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it. If that Pokemon is Knocked Out, discard this card.
The Pokemon this card is attached to has the cost of its attacks increased by [C].
If this card becomes detached, this card is discarded to the original player's discard pile.


Go first and start with Seismitoad Ex. Use Quake Punch to lock items while Mewtwo Ex is built on the bench. Garbodor shuts down abilities and Head Noise further slows the opponent down and disables her/him to attach useful tools once the item lock down. The tool also combos well with Mewtwo since it allows him to hit harder in case the opponent decides to invest more energies to attack.
Greetings Dark Espeon.

Another nice deck. Very similar to the one I'm playing except I use Landorus EX (I can't resist the 30-30 damage opportunity) instead of your Beartic.

I believe Heavy Ball will rotate out; so, those would need replacements. I'd suggest another W energy and a Bicycle. Or a Cassius (should you play a mirror match or don't have a Switch) and a Bicycle.
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Thanks for the review. Yes it is a counter deck to the assumed meta. I know that Heavy Ball will rotate out but could not resist them while still available. Considered to replace them with a fourth Ultra Ball and a third Bicycle or a fourth Skyla. Still not sure on the latter.

I am also considering Vaporeon instead of Beatric since it deals 20-20 and can be out turn one due to the new Eevee. Vaporeon has been reprinted in the Sylveon collection and should thus remain in format. What are your thoughts on these ideas?
As a pure counter, I think Beartic offers more versatility (i.e., significantly more HP and easier to power-up in this deck), can definitely 1HKO Pyroars (Vaporeon can not without help from Deoxys EXs), and will also be a major threat to Landorus EXs too. I'd suggest using Beartic over Vaporeon.
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Sounds fine. Also updated the deck to include Ghetis. With the item lock on there should be a decent amount of items in their hand to allow me to draw some cards and attack with Mewtwo as a cleaner from time to time.
Hi folks,

Updated the deck to include the new Team Flare tool which looks like it could combo well with item lock decks that also run Newtwo Ex.
TuxedoBlack said:
What's your plan against VirGen decks?

Outrage Reshiram works well if you use Grenade Hammer to damage it if you so wish...

Dunno what to take out though.
Hi TuxedoBlack and Toro googleo,

Versus VirGen the deck would attack with Mewtwo Ex and use Garbodor as a soft abilities lock at crutial turns. I know that Reshiram is a common tech but to me it does not seem to work as intended. VirGen would either ohko Reshiram or attack another Pokémon instead of damaging it to enable Reshiram to use Outrage. Thus you would need to hurt it with Granade Hammer yourself. Focusing on Mewtwo Ex as an attacker and Garbodor as a soft lock to enable poison and shut down Genesect seems to be more viable. Charizard Ex would be another tech option but it would force me to use fire instead of water which disables me to use an occasional Granade Hammer from time to time. In a nutshell: I am not sure whether fire tech is the best answer when the deck could also run more Mewtwo Ex and possibly tech one Spiritomb instead. Please let me know what you guys think about these concerns.
Dark Espeon said:
Versus VirGen the deck would attack with Mewtwo Ex and use Garbodor as a soft abilities lock at crutial turns. I know that Reshiram is a common tech but to me it does not seem to work as intended.
From my discussions with other Seismitoad players and my play-testing experience, I'm finding Reshiram (Outrage) is fantastic. Consider starting with this vs. an opponent's starting Virizion EX - I just smile. My opponent now has a tough decision to make: to either Emerald Slash and chance losing the soon-to-be Lysandre, energy-laden Gensect EX or burn a Lysandre early to remove my Reshiram from the active position. Nice options for me to have.

Dark Espeon said:
I am not sure whether fire tech is the best answer when the deck could also run more Mewtwo Ex and possibly tech one Spiritomb instead. Please let me know what you guys think about these concerns.
Lots of players are still running Mewtwo EX(s) in their decks (even a VirGen variant I've seen) - IMO, Mewtwo wars will begin again. So, your Mewtwos are immediately at rsk as soon as you attach 2 energy onto them.

Personally, I would either run Pyroar (favored by some players) or Charizard (my preference) with Seismitoad. Most issues with VirGen decks simply go away.
I wouldn't take out Mewtwo completely though due to Lucario. I'm will be doing a 1 Mewtwo and 2 Charizards instead of 3 Mewtwos.
I think the name Smoke on the Water/Deep Purple would be a better name.

This seems like a very solid deck. I am definitely going to try and test this some time.

As much as I want to say put in Pyroar, or Leafeon to counter I can't really justify dropping anything.
So I ended up playing with 1 Mewtwo and 2 Reshirams (LTR), Charizard Ex was just a pain to load up. Also I added in Pokemon Fan Club which seemed to help me out in Vir/Gen matches too. It lets me get out a Reshiram and a Trubbish.
pygohan said:
...Charizard Ex was just a pain to load up.
Are you also running Blacksmith? I initially ran into the same issue; so, I incorporated a few Blacksmith into my deck to fix that concern.
Really odd question, but do you think 7 water is a good choice?
Even though you may use Grenade Hammer once in a blue moon, it does 60 damage total to your own pokemon...
I'm thinking 6-7 psychic may be better. Mewtwo can come in with some clutch plays, and if needed you can even do damage with trubbish/garb (if your locked active with a muscle band as an example).
Only other opinion:
-1 Skyla
+1 Colress/Shauna (depends on playstyle)

Skyla is good, but once you get going you'll want to draw a lot of set-up cards as opposed to just one good card.
With only the Ns, Junipers, Bikes, and Comp Search, you may want another draw supporter just so you don't get locked in your own lock.
you should never do damage or even think of using Trubbish/Garb as an attacker. Its a big no no in this deck. Your attackers are Seismitoad Ex/Mewtwo Ex/Reshiram, Grenade Hammer is really to be used with Reshiram to damage it for Outrage on Vir/Gen decks. No Vir/Gen will attack your Reshiram unless its a OHKO to power it up so your first toad is sacrifice for Reshiram. For Mewtwo you should only be using X Ball and not Psy Drive.
pygohan said:
you should never do damage or even think of using Trubbish/Garb as an attacker. Its a big no no in this deck. Your attackers are Seismitoad Ex/Mewtwo Ex/Reshiram, Grenade Hammer is really to be used with Reshiram to damage it for Outrage on Vir/Gen decks. No Vir/Gen will attack your Reshiram unless its a OHKO to power it up so your first toad is sacrifice for Reshiram. For Mewtwo you should only be using X Ball and not Psy Drive.

Reshiram? Maybe your using a different list then described in this thread.
If there was a reshiram or 2 then I'd think to keep with the water, but with the limited amount of pokemon in the deck and the lack of mr. Mime/mountain ring his secondary attack makes no sense.
And like I said, its a really odd choice, but you can 1 hit knock out a deoxys ex or mewtwo ex with trubbish from PLS (the tool drop one). I completely understand the whole philosophy of the deck, but psydrive can easily finish off most pokemon. Grenade hammer can do the same, but it does 60 recoil and might mean that you attach a DCE and 2 water to a seismatoad ex. Youd rather attach more energy to mewtwo because after a psydrive you can do an xball for additional damage.
Hi Elbow,

Thanks for the review. I like the water energies in this deck to enable me to use Granade Hammer as a cleaning move to obtain the last few prizes. While Mewtwo ex could do the same he would be ten damage short to obtain a ohko with Muscle Band and Laser Bank. I did not include Reshiram since he did not work well for me in Genesect matches. I found it easier to focus on Mewtwo ex and garbodor when faced with Genesect.

Head Noiser should further improve the match up since it slows the opponent down by increasing the attack costs on their Genesect Ex. It also makes it harder to attach G Booster and fuels Mewtwo Ex at the same time. The Pokémon Tool F are the main reason this deck runs three Skyla since you want them out soon. With Seismitoad and Garbodor the opponent would now need Xerosic to get rid of the disruptive tool attached to their main attacker.

Still working on the consistency supporters. Revised the list to include two Colress and two VS Seeker to allow me to reuse Lysandre and draw supporters. Removed Garbodor in addition to Bicycle and one Ultra Ball to fit them in. Please let me know what you think about these ideas. Thanks for the assistance in advance.

Hi pygohan,

Thanks for the review. I agree that water energies are better than psychic energies in this deck. My version of seismitoad does not use reshiram since none of the fire basics seemed to work for me. You need to inflict damage with Granade Hammer before reshiram becomes viable and he would still need Muscle band and laser to ohko Genesect Ex. This also assumes that Garbodor is in effect to make laser viable. For these reasons Reshiram is a slower counter than Mewtwo Ex. I had more success focusing on Mewtwo Ex and Garbodor instead of the item lock in the Genesect match. Head Noiser should also make the match easier since it makes it harder to attach G Booster with Head Noiser attached to their Genesect Ex. Since Head Noiser increases their attack costs it also fuels Mewtwo Ex and is not a dead card in any other match.