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Pyroar and Friends! (Pyroar / Seismitoad EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 10

  • 1 Mr.Mime
    1 Mewtwo Ex
    2 Seismitoad EX
    3 Litleo (70HP)
    3 Pyroar
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 38

  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Bicycle
    3 Switch
    3 Ultra Balls
    2 Pokemon Catcher
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Computer Search
    4 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    3 Lysandre
    2 Blacksmith
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Shauna
    2 Virbank City Gym

  • 8 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless

It's the basic Pyroar strategy. Power it up and watch your opponents be able to not do anything against it. I added the lasers to help with Garb being able to Scorching Fang (+30) and laser for the knock out and also for a Banded +30 Scorching Fang and a Virbank Laser to knock out a Baritic. Other than that I haven't really ran into any problems but I am looking for suggestions as Regionals is in two weeks and I wanna make it to top cut
RE: Pyroar and friends!

If you are at all worried about beartic you should run float stones, or rainbow energy+darkrai/fairy garden. Other than that i would suggest another startling megaphone.

Probably drop 2 of the 3 lysandre or pokemon catcher. Some sort of combination. Having 6 catcher effects is kind of overkill imo.

Replace it for 1 more ultra ball, 1 more megaphone, or maybe another mewtwo, or something that you can blacksmith on to. Having 3 black smith and only 3 targets, doesn't seem wise.
RE: Pyroar and friends!

Ivy_Profen said:
If you are at all worried about beartic you should run float stones, or rainbow energy+darkrai/fairy garden. Other than that i would suggest another startling megaphone.

Probably drop 2 of the 3 lysandre or pokemon catcher. Some sort of combination. Having 6 catcher effects is kind of overkill imo.

Replace it for 1 more ultra ball, 1 more megaphone, or maybe another mewtwo, or something that you can blacksmith on to. Having 3 black smith and only 3 targets, doesn't seem wise.

He is the updated version of the deck. I came in first today with it. The second megaphone I never needed but I do like having it in the deck along with the 3rd ultra ball. Again I never needed it but when you have 4-5 cards in your hand and a Bike its SO good to discard the ones you dont need and thin your deck/get the ones you do need. Matches were pretty easy, I won them all but almost lost the last one (Had Pellet Dusknoir) and I won that with just Seims and Mewtwo!
I've found through my experience, that there will oftentimes be Mewtwo wars. I run 2 which seem to be the right number for me.

Secondly, don't be surprised if you encounter opponents running Seismitoad decks or techs within their decks. So, consider replacing 2 Switch with Float Stones and 2 Bicycle with Shauna.

Any particular reason(s) why you don't at least 1 Professor's Letter and Pal Pad? Are you finding your current card-draw engine of 3 Bike, 4 N, 4 PJ, 1 Shauna to be sufficient without either the PL and PP?

Also, I've found the Reshiram (Outrage) is outstanding in my deck version too. Plus, it's just FUN to see the VirGen player's face when I start with this Poké. Lol.
TuxedoBlack said:
I've found through my experience, that there will oftentimes be Mewtwo wars. I run 2 which seem to be the right number for me.

Secondly, don't be surprised if you encounter opponents running Seismitoad decks or techs within their decks. So, consider replacing 2 Switch with Float Stones and 2 Bicycle with Shauna.

Any particular reason(s) why you don't at least 1 Professor's Letter and Pal Pad? Are you finding your current card-draw engine of 3 Bike, 4 N, 4 PJ, 1 Shauna to be sufficient without either the PL and PP?

Also, I've found the Reshiram (Outrage) is outstanding in my deck version too. Plus, it's just FUN to see the VirGen player's face when I start with this Poké. Lol.

I dont like the Idea of float stone in this type of deck. Maybe Im just lucky but I have never needed the supporters in my discard pile and I have seem to dead draw either. And the toads I have encountered were late to the party as I already had my Muscle band and most of the items I needed to set up by turn 2-3 so I am good to go. Plus my toads also slow them down and once my Pyroars are set up it's hard to stop them.