Pokemon: 10
It's the basic Pyroar strategy. Power it up and watch your opponents be able to not do anything against it. I added the lasers to help with Garb being able to Scorching Fang (+30) and laser for the knock out and also for a Banded +30 Scorching Fang and a Virbank Laser to knock out a Baritic. Other than that I haven't really ran into any problems but I am looking for suggestions as Regionals is in two weeks and I wanna make it to top cut
1 Mr.Mime
1 Mewtwo Ex
2 Seismitoad EX
3 Litleo (70HP)
3 Pyroar
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Muscle Band
3 Bicycle
3 Switch
3 Ultra Balls
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Startling Megaphone
1 Computer Search
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
3 Lysandre
2 Blacksmith
1 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Shauna
2 Virbank City Gym
8 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless
It's the basic Pyroar strategy. Power it up and watch your opponents be able to not do anything against it. I added the lasers to help with Garb being able to Scorching Fang (+30) and laser for the knock out and also for a Banded +30 Scorching Fang and a Virbank Laser to knock out a Baritic. Other than that I haven't really ran into any problems but I am looking for suggestions as Regionals is in two weeks and I wanna make it to top cut