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Quad Absol


Hey everyone, I decided I'd try making a deck that revolves around just Absol with some Sableye thrown in for consistency. I chose Absol because he has the advantage of 2 energy engines: Colress machine and dark patch. I'm hoping this would be a fast, hard hitting deck with the help of Mirrors, Bangles, and techs like tool scrapper and enhanced hammer to keep me going longer.

Pokemon - 6
  • 4 Absol PF
  • 2 Sableye DE
Trainers - 32
  • 4 Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 1 Colress
  • 4 Colress Machine
  • 4 Dark Patch
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Silver Mirror
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 2 Energy Search
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Skyarrow bridge
Energy - 12
  • 8 Darkness Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy


The Supporters are pretty self explanatory. I would say Skyla is very important, especially turn 1 for getting my energy engines started. I may even run 4.

Colress Machine and Dark Patch are the energy engines of the deck. In the ideal turn 1, I would be powered up, and hitting 20+, or hopefully even 60 with a good energy start. The Ultra Balls are in there to get my dark energy in the discard pile and use dark patch ASAP.

Silver Mirrors would probably be preferred over Bangles depending on the deck, but personally I like both.

Tool scrapers would be to combat mirrors mainly. Garbodor decks wouldn't be too much of a threat against me.

The super rod is to get an Absol or 2 back, considering Sableye wouldn't be attacking at any point.

Enhanced hammer is just to slow down my opponents, and would hopefully be a big card early game.

I chose Computer Search because its very versatile and an incredible card early game.

Any comments, questions, or obvious flaws in my plan are encouraged! Thanks.

Reformatted to match rules.~KA
looks fun, only thing I would suggest would be
-2 Skyarrow bridge
+2 Darkrai EX

with so much energy accelerate in the deck you may as well include it since with just 4 Absol your opponent could far to easily control your damage output, especially against another Darkrai deck that could easily sit on 2-3 poekon comfortably and with the BO3 in the new circuit any good opponent will pick up your strategy pretty quick. Also adding Darkrai EX in place of Skyarrow Bridge is actually better, since it only affects your Pokemon with free retreat and doesn't benafit your opponent.

All of these suggestions are just my thoughts free to use them or not. good luck with your deck :)
I think that the main problem here is that yes, Absol can hit hard & can hit fast, but Absol is really only good when your opponent has a bench with 3+ Pokemon on the bench, T1 there very unlikely to have that, and you should be able to setup T1. Then once they see that you are using a Absol deck they will limit the number of pokemon on there bench, limiting your damage output through Mind Jack.
I would agree with using Darkrai EX, even if it is just to bluff the deck you are playing, tempting them into playing down more Pokemon on there bench so you can Mind Jack for big damage