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Quad Rayquaza

snivy the hedgehog

loves to play roque decks
4 rayqauza ex drx

4 ether
3 pokedex
2 sky arrow bridge
3 eviolite
2 exp share
3 skyla
2 N
1 scramble switch ace spec
18 fire energy
18 lightning energy

the strategy of this deck is to use celestrial roar to
use dragon burst the folowing turn
ether is for extra speed
RE: quad rayqauza

There aren't enough energy. There should be 23 of both energy at a minimum.
RE: quad rayqauza

SheNinja said:
There aren't enough energy. There should be 23 of both energy at a minimum.

He's right.
-3 Pokdex because if your deck is mostly energies, you usually top deck an energy,
-2 N because the only thing you really need in hand are a few trainers and those can be retreived with Skyla
-2 Eviolite
-2 Skyarrow Bridge because you shouldn't need to be retreating.
-1 Scramble Switch

+1 Skyla
+ 3 Catcher
+3 Fire
+3 Lightning

That should get you started though you probably don't need Exp. Share since youn already have Ether and Celestial Roar.
RE: quad rayqauza

You also don't need Ether because of Celestial Roar. EXP. Share and Celestial Roar should be enough acceleration.
RE: quad rayqauza

SheNinja said:
You also don't need Ether because of Celestial Roar. EXP. Share and Celestial Roar should be enough acceleration.

This deck would instantly lose to Sigilyph, or Klinklang, which is getting really popular. I'd add ultra balls and a non EX attacker, possibly Reshiram to get passed that Klinklang.
Rayquaza DRV would honestly be your best bet since it OHKO's Sigilyph without discarding energies, something that Rayquaza EX is very good at. I don't think I'd bother teching for the Klingklang matchup, and just accept it's a bad matchup. (This is after all a fun deck.) V-Create Victini is a bad idea since you will never have a full Bench unless you get extremely lucky, but even then, it's easily OHKO'd. Just go for early game pressure and KO the Klinks if you can.