BW/BW2 Quest for the shiny Reshiram/Zekrom.


Aspiring Trainer
As most of you already know. When you try to catch Reshiram or Zekrom at N's castle it will not be shiny because of a shiny check. Here you can track your progress on trying to catch the elusive shiny Reshi/Zek rom.
ONLY ONE POST PER PERSON. You can change your post to track progress.
Here is the layout for your post.

)What ever side note wanted)
)Boxes filled) Such as 377/ 24(726) or what ever number of boxes you have now.
)Time spent) for example- 78 hours 13 min.
)Tries for the pokemon) like- 48

Have fun :D
This sounds fun. Let's just waste my time searching for something that doesn't exist and isn't available without some form of cheating. You, sir, are amazing.
Actually, you can get a shiny Zekrom/Reshiram. Your party must be filled, and your entire PC must be filled (only 8 boxes). Defeat the dragon at the castle, and after the credits role the dragon will be at Dragonspiral Tower. You can soft-reset there to get a shiny.
@EPM: Over the course of the story, you need to battle Reshiram (or Zekrom) in a certain location (no spoilers for you), and you HAVE to catch it to progress the plot. However, if your party and your boxes are totally full when you get there, it will be impossible to catch as a result. So instead, you end up catching it later at Dragonspiral Tower.

Moving on.
I don't know. Made the attempt on my ROM of Black. Just caught a bunch of Lillipups :p

After 2 days of reseting the game, got SHINY RESHIRAM!!! On a ROM of course -_______-

I think he may be asking why do it in the first place (I may be wrong though :p)
Ya I heard about this. If you have full PC boxes and team when you are at N's castle catching Reshiram/Zekrom, there will be no room for them. So they will appear at Dragonspiral Tower, an only then they can appear shiny. Good Luck. Btw can someone post a video of this, I want to see shiny Reshiram!
As far as I know, shiny Reshiram and Zekrom aren't available in BW, even by making them go to Dragonspiral tower because when you battle and defeat them at N's Castle their colour, nature and such are set from that point onwards. The only way of obtaining a shiny Reshiram or Zekrom is through hacking.
@Extreme Pokemon Fan:Here you go .If you have your party and PC full when you catch Reshiram/Zekrom,will Reshiram/Zekrom be at Dragonspiral Tower,or N's Castle?
@Umbreon/Espeon: You're aware that if your party and boxes are both full, catching any Pokemon is impossible?
I believe you mean when you encounter it. From what I know, if they are full, you encounter Resh/Zek at N's Castle, but you need to KO it or whatever, and then later you can go fight it at Dragonspiral Tower.

I don't know exactly what happens; I'm not quite there yet in the game =D
^The game will go back in time as if the battle never happened. It will start again with you in front of the dragon, as if nothing had happened.
Well, your Pokemon would still be damaged if they were in battle with the dragon, so basically it was like the dragon flew to a Pokecenter and was healed up, then flew back to you while having full HP again.