Ruling Question about Alph Litho 3 and Speed Stadium



If I use Speed Stadium's effect to draw cards, can I play Alph Lithograph to return it to my hand, play it again, then use the effect again in the same turn?

Also, just checking, but can I play a different stadium over Speed, then play another Speed and use that one's effect again?
I'd say that the answer to the first question is yes, provided that the Speed Stadium was in play at the start of that turn.
i.e. starting the turn with Speed Stadium in play, using its effect, playing Alph 3, then dropping Speed Stadium for the turn and using its effect again.

My reasoning is that if a card leaves play that has a once-per-turn effect, you can use the effect again since it's considered to be a "different" card, i.e. Uxie's Set Up.
Oh, so speed stadium was already on the field in the first question? Then yes, I'm in agreement with the others. You can use it. I was basing my answer on the assumption that you played the stadium, used Alph 3, and then played it again, which isn't allowed.