Ruling Question about Double rainbow


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i have a question about double rainbows. when you use with dark ampharos or salamence ds do you have to discard the double rainbow you r using for the card that says you have discard?
for Dark Ampharos, you would have to discard the Double Rainbow Energy, for Salamence d, you can either discard the DRE, or the metal if you have one attached.
Yes. When a card calls to discard any or all Energy of a color, you look at all the Energy attached to the attacker, and then discard all Energy that provide at least 1 of the color you need to discard.
For Ampharos you do, but are you sure you discard the DRE for Slamence since it supplies 2 Energy cards.

You have a Salamence with 2 Water Energy cards attached to it and 1 DRE. You use Delta Blast. Would you discard the DRE? Orcould you not use the attack since you can't discard 2 Energy cards when you are suppost to discard 2?
Yep, you can. It's like using DRE or Holon's Magtrode to pay a Retreat Cost of 1.

DRE provides Metal, so you would actually have to discard it.
yeah, i'm pretty sure you can still discard the DRE and use the attack, because if you have a Holon's Magneton attached to a basic with 1 colorless retreat cost, you discard the Magneton to retreat.
Should be in TCG Questions, so I moved it.

Anyway, Holon's Magneton/Electrode/DRE all provide every single type of energy. When an attack asks to discard all Lightning energy (as an example) then you would HAVE to discard since they provide lightning energy.

If an attack says Discard 2 energy or similar then you are not forced to discard them, but they do count as 2 energy.
Yes, because DRE provides 2 energy. Retreat cost isnt based on energy cards, it's based on energy.