Question about japanese legality


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This whole "japanese cards are illegal" thing is confusing me.

When will these changes take place? Wondering if I should bother getting any PotF cards.
It'll start September 1st, the start of the season.

dmaster out.
I believe that it takes place on September 1st... which means like NO Japanese cards at all, including energy. (I hate it. :[ JPN Energy is awesome.) So you'll probably have about a month with PotF cards if you get them. But I guess you could get them to test with.

EDIT: Ninja'd =[
Just to clarify, It's ALL foreign cards. All non-english cards are illegal in organized play as of September 1st.
That is, depending on the country you live in, obviously. Canada can still use French cards for example.
I guess the better question is...
Is it worth getting any to use them for a month?
I mean, I won't be going to Nats or Worlds or anything...
I think that would be a no. Unless you sell cards back to Japan or play them at your league, it's pretty much worthless starting next season.
Martainia said:
I guess the better question is...
Is it worth getting any to use them for a month?
I mean, I won't be going to Nats or Worlds or anything...

POTF cards won't be legal AT worlds anyway. There will be PRs, but they will not be legal in the LCQ or the main event.

Since BRs don't start again until after Sep 1st, I would say no. There's no reason to hunt down Japanese POTF cards now.