Ruling Question about Plus Power


Aspiring Trainer
So let's say, for example, Empoleon has a Plus Power attached to it and uses Ice Blade on one of the opponent's benched pokemon. Does Ice Blade do an additional 10 damage to the active pokemon or does it just to 40 to one bench.

The card reads if the pokemon its attached to attacks (Ice Blade is an attack) it will do "10 more damage to the active." Obviously, the word "more" shows that the attack has to do damage in order to get the +10, but what happens when the attack does damage to a pokemon other than the active? Does the active still receive +10?

Pluspowers, and equally Strength Charm and Darkness energies, only deals extra damage to the active. Only one card that I know of that boosts Bench damage as well, would be Hitmonlee UF, with the text stating that it's to anything.

Equally, damage that is boosted has to have something to start from. This includes Bodies, attacks that boost the next attack, etc.
That doesn't answer his question. It was, "if I attach PlusPower and hit someone other than the Defending Pokemon, does the Defending Pokemon take +10 from PlusPower?"

Answer: No. Since you're not doing any damage to the Defending Pokemon, there is no damage for PlusPower to add 10 more damage to.
Well, PlusPower specifically says it only adds to damage dealt to the Active Pokemon.
Attach PlusPower to 1 of your Pokemon. Discard this card at the end of your turn. If the Pokemon PlusPower is attached to attacks, the attack does 10 more damage to the Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
And Mateo is correct, it's a rule that if something does zero damage, you can't add "more" damage to zero.

Something can affect damage done to the Bench if it wants to, though. Double Rainbow Energy is one good example.